DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH - Displays goes white and unresponsive after hours of operation

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I recently ordered one of the DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH from PJRC shop. Both touch and display well for a time, but if I leave a project running, when I return the display is all white and is not longer updating. Sometimes it stays white between resets, usually it returns to proper functionality.

I connected a friend's DISPLAY_ILI9341_TOUCH into the same test setup and it does not have the problem, so I assume I have a defective display.

1) Any possibility its not defective and something else is going on?
2) How do I request a replacement through the PJRC store?
This happened to one of the ones I got, and Robin replaced it - Touch still worked as that controller is independent. It went white faster and faster and worked less as less - It wasn't long before it was just white.

I didn't dare modify it without PJRC feedback in case it needed to be returned. Once the replacement arrived I thought at least I could use the SD card and maybe use the touch as an input device so I made the mods ( linked from PJRC store item ) to take the SD resistors to 0 ohm - I also closed J1. With closing J1 the device started working. AFAIK closing J1 bypasses a component related to powering the ILI9341 controller and that display has been working perfectly ever since. ( I did test J1 to be inline with power to the controller - and without power there you only get the white backlight ).

YMMV - You might try bridging the J1 jumper and then have a working display - but then you may have voided any warranty if you apply solder. The other 3 from PJRC work with no problems as they have been used to far.
Looks like a pretty straightforward soldering to do/undo, I'll give it a try and see if it helps. Thanks!
Refreshing this thread as I would want to request a replacement but see know obvious information for returns/replacement on the site? What is the correct way of doing this.
Bummer closing the J1 restored the display function ( like I found ) but had any effect on the touch controller portion. I ended up getting contact with Robin and got my unit replaced - then making it a guinea pig to my lame solder skills to get the SD to work only to find that made the whole thing right.
Thanks, not sure how I missed that contact page. Do you think it is possible that I need to complete all the steps of the SD fix, not just bridge J1?
As noted above - YMMV - I had nothing to lose. AFAIK (not real Far) - those resistors are just on data lines not part of the display system unless you wire the top pins to the common lines. So I don't think will relate. But I thought the touch was hardware independent - except for shared lines.

Assuming you checked and restored your Touch wires after the J1 surgery? And have everything else wired per the pjrc sales page example?

By any chance are you using the TOUCH code with the INTERUPT pin specified [i.e. the second param in the initializer] (see my linked thread above)? If you have that specified and not wired actively to the proper pin - that will keep the touch from ever reporting. If you don't specify that pin then it will work and the int pin will be ignored - wired or not.
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