Teensy 3.2 with nrf24 and lpd8806 strip

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Hi, newbie here...

Using FastLED and the NRF24 lib on a LED interactive toy that communicates with the other toys.

nrf24 wants to be driven over SPI, as does lpd8806. lpd8806 has no CS :( Should I bit-bang the lpd8806 (only driving about 200 leds) or should i try to use logic gate to provide CS functionality to lpd8806? Size is an issue and a quad-nand gate is a lot of real estate :(

Also, anybody successfully drive lpd8806 with 3.3v out, or is logic level shifter imperative?

Could not find any other relevant threads, but searching for nrf24 might be insufficient?


Bitbangs the LPD8806 signals would probably be the easiest way. For only 200 LEDs, it's probably not a huge speed problem.
Thanks for the reply Paul!

I think I have decided to go with APA102 chipset for various reasons, but bitbang is what I will try first. If it is slow, I'll look into the logic gate CS way.

btw, why does it look like the Teensy3.2 has two sets of SPI pins? Are they overloaded? Can you use one set, then switch and use the other? That might be a way to do it also...


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