WIZ820io stuck with DHCP IP Address of, MISO always low

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Continuing my saga of getting reliable DHCP operation, I have a completely new Teensy 3.2, WIZ820io, PJRC Adapter, and a 5V 2A external power supply. Execution is off to a good start, then things run off the rails after only 56 DHCP renewals.

At 3410 seconds I call Ethernet.maintain() which has returned a zero, meaning that the library thinks nothing needs to be done. But the WIZ820io inexplicably has an IP address of I output some status, test the IP address for all zeros (by summing the four bytes) and then wait for the next 10-second tick.
At 3420 Ethernet.maintain() returned a 1, presumably because the router would not renew an (illegal for a slave) IP address of all zeros. Code sums the IP address bytes and since this is also a 1-minute tick it prints a DHCP address summary, so there are two at this time.
The next output should have been at the next ten second tick, 3430, but instead it is at 3490 seconds. I don't see how this is possible.
At 3490 seconds it's a ten-second tick so Ethernet.maintain() would be called.

What I observe happens with client IP of is maintain() returns a zero meaning nothing needs to be done. This is a stable but broken state. So my code branches to a function which calls Ethernet.begin() on a maintain() of zero and the IP of all zeros, which usually (on other hardware) recovers.

Here is the serial monitor output:

@3420 maintain()=1 Renew_F/S Bind_F/S Restart_F/S = 1/56 0/0 0/0
Renew_F/S Bind_F/S Restart_F/S = 1/56 0/0 0/0

In this case, the Teensy is in an endless loop sending the (hex) data 40, 02, 00, 01, 00 to the WIZ820io forever. MISO is stuck low and there is no recovery. Here's screen capture from the TotalPhase Beagle SPI analyzer:

EndlessLoop-MISO-Stuck_1-26-2016 6-23-09 PM.png

My next steps are to look at what in the Ethernet library sends that data, and to try to understand how the WIZ820io has MISO stuck low. Also, where was Teensy when it should have output time at 3430, 3440, ... 3480? I'll restart this hardware and see if it happens again.

It's very curious. Any advice much appreciated.

 * DHCP Stress Test
 * (based on Arduino Ethernet library example DhcpAddressPrinter by Tom Igoe, modified 9 Apr 2012
 * and also modified by Paul Stoffregen at pjrc.com)
 * Modified by Bruce Boyes to stress test DHCP client with WIX820io and Teensy 3.X
 * Using the PJRC Wiznet and SD card adapter as well as custom board codenamed SALT.
 * Uses SPI default digital pins 10, 11, 12, 13
 * DHCP lease time is set to 120 seconds, the minimum allowed by the Asus RT56NU router,
 * and it appears to allow renewal at 1/2 that, or every 60 seconds. This enables 24 * 60,
 * or 1440 DHCP renewals in 24 hrs vs a more typical one or two. This compresses one
 * or two years of DHCP renewal into 24 hours.
 * https://github.com/systronix   bboyes@systronix.com

 * Revisions
 * 2016 Jan 20	bboyes put in restart in case of IP address, which the Arduino library
 * seems to feel is fine as an address, and which also throws no exception with Ethernet.renew()
 * even though it could not possibly have been assigned by DHCP.
 * 2016 Jan 17	bboyes the summary of status got clobbered by change of Arduino preferences,
 * I guess. So adding it back in.
 * 2016 Jan 16	print summary of renew and rebind fail/success every minute
 * 				also track restart fail/success

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <T3Mac.h>

// Enter a MAC address for your controller below.
// Newer Ethernet shields have a MAC address printed on a sticker on the shield
uint8_t ext_mac[] = {
  0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x33 };

// Initialize the Ethernet client library
// with the IP address and port of the server 
// that you want to connect to (port 80 is default for HTTP):
EthernetClient client;

// for measuring how long a routine takes
uint32_t time_start, time_stop;

uint32_t new_millis = 0;
uint32_t old_millis = 0;	// millis saved every tiem through loop, if new > old
uint32_t old_sec_millis;	// millis saved every second tick

uint32_t new_elapsed_seconds = 0;
uint32_t total_elapsed_seconds = 0;
boolean seconds_tick = false;

uint8_t seconds_five=0;
boolean seconds_five_tick = false;
boolean seconds_ten_tick = false;
boolean minute_tick = false;

uint8_t flag=0;

uint32_t switch_default_error=0;

// if Ethernet.maintain() fails, we try to restart and track results with these
uint32_t restart_fail_count=0, restart_success_count=0;

// renew is Ethernet.maintain() return value
uint8_t renew;
// Ethernet.maintain() fail and success counts
uint32_t renew_success_count=0, renew_fail_count=0, rebind_success_count=0, rebind_fail_count=0;

void setup() {

	 * When using with PJRC wiz820 sd adapter
	 * https://www.pjrc.com/store/wiz820_sd_adaptor.html [sic]
	 * Some SD cards can be sensitive to SPI activity while the Ethernet library is initialized before the SD library.
	 * For best compatiblity with all SD cards, these 3 lines are recommended at the beginning of setup().
	 * Pins 4 and 10 will be reconfigured as outputs by the SD and Ethernet libraries. Making them input
	 * pullup mode before initialization guarantees neither device can respond to unintentional signals
	 * while the other is initialized.
	pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
	pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
	delay(1);  // allow time for both pins to reach 3.3V

	// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

	//  Serial1.begin(9600);  // TX1, RX1 on Teensy pins 3 and 2, not the USB serial output!

	// Wait here for up to 10 seconds to see if we will use Serial Monitor, so output is not lost
	while((!Serial) && (millis()<10000));    // wait until serial monitor is open or timeout,
	Serial.println(" msec to start serial");

	Serial.println("DHCP Stress Test - 2016 Jan 20");

	char ID[32];
	sprintf(ID, "%08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX", SIM_UIDH, SIM_UIDMH, SIM_UIDML, SIM_UIDL);
	Serial.print("Teensy3 128-bit UniqueID: ");

	//  pinMode(12, INPUT);   // help make sure MISO is input to Teensy


	Serial.print("MAC from Teensy: ");

	uint8_t tries=1;

	  // start the Ethernet connection, try 8 times
		Serial.print("Try ");
		flag = ethernet_start(mac, true);	// 0 if failed
//		Serial.print(flag);
//		Serial.print(" ");
	while ((tries++ < 5) && (flag == 0));

	if (0!=flag)
		// Ethernet started OK
		Serial.print("Ethernet started after ");
		Serial.print("Ethernet start failed even after ");
	Serial.print(tries-1);	// loop already incremented it
	Serial.println(" attempts");

}	// end of setup

 * Add up the four octets in the IP address.
 * The sum should never be 0 since is not a routable client IP.
uint16_t address_sum = 1;	// start with no error

void loop()

	 * Are we at a 1-second tick?
	 * This relates only to time count
	 * No relation to treatment cycles, this is just time
	new_millis = millis();
	if (new_millis > (old_millis + 100UL))	// 100 msec or more has passed, so check for seconds tick
		old_millis = new_millis;

		new_elapsed_seconds = new_millis/1000UL;
		if (new_elapsed_seconds > total_elapsed_seconds)
			// seconds tick
			total_elapsed_seconds = new_elapsed_seconds;
			old_sec_millis = new_millis;
			seconds_tick = true;

	 * Do whatever needs to happen every second
	 * such as update other slower counters
	if (seconds_tick)
		seconds_tick = false;	// we've used it up

		if (0 == (total_elapsed_seconds % 10))
			seconds_ten_tick = true;

		if (0 == (total_elapsed_seconds % 60))
			minute_tick = true;

	 * Do 10-second items
	if (seconds_ten_tick)
		seconds_ten_tick = false;	// we've used it up
		Serial.print(" ");

		* try to renew DHCP, maintain() returns
		* 0: nothing happened
		* 1: renew failed
		* 2: renew success
		* 3: rebind fail
		* 4: rebind success
		* @see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/EthernetMaintain
		renew = Ethernet.maintain();
		// if returned 0, no action needed: carry on, but if nonzero track the actions
		if (0 != renew)
			Serial.print(" ");

			switch (renew)
			case 1:		// renew failed

			case 2:		// renew success

			case 3:		// rebind failed
				Serial.print("Rebind Failed! Try restsart:");
				flag = ethernet_start(mac, true);	// 0 if failed
				if (0 == flag)

			case 4:		// rebind success

				Serial.print("Error! Defaulted with renew of  ");

			Serial.print(" ");
			Serial.print(" ");
		} 	// end of renew test for != 0
			 * renew was zero, meaning Ethernet library reported nothing needs to be done.
			if ( 0 == address_sum)
				// most recent IP address is which is bad. Now what?
				Serial.print ("Error! IP address: ");
				Serial.print (Ethernet.localIP());
				Serial.print(" Try restart:");
				flag = ethernet_start(mac, true);	// 0 if failed
				if (0 == flag)

		// print local IP address:
		//  Serial.print("My IP address: ");
		//  Serial1.print('d'); // start of message to LCD must be 'd' char
		//  Serial1.print("IP:");
		address_sum = 0;
		for (byte thisByte = 0; thisByte < 4; thisByte++)
			// print the value of each byte of the IP address:
			Serial.print(Ethernet.localIP()[thisByte], DEC);
			if (thisByte < 3) Serial.print(".");  // don't print trailing period
			address_sum += Ethernet.localIP()[thisByte];


		 * No clue what data format of localIP() is at the "documentation page"
		 * https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/EthernetLocalIP
		 * It prints as so is this a string? If it is a byte array,
		 * how does it know to print the period separators?

//		Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP());
//		Serial.println();

		if (minute_tick)
			minute_tick = false;	// we've used it up

	}		// end seconds ten  tick

}	// end loop

 * Try to begin ethernet with mac value, which means using DHCP.
 * For non-DHCP different constructor with GW, etc is used.
 * @param verbose output status if true
 * @see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Ethernet
 * @return 0 if failed, 1 if success
int8_t ethernet_start(uint8_t mac[], boolean verbose)
	int8_t status = 0;	// 0 = failed
	time_start = millis();
	status = Ethernet.begin(mac);
	time_stop = millis();

	if (verbose)
		if (0==status)
			Serial.print("Fail DHCP after ");
			Serial.print("OK DHCP after ");
		Serial.println(" msec");
	return status;

 * Renew and Rebind Fail/Success since startup
 * Prints on one line with no CR/LF at end
void print_dhcp_summary()
	Serial.print("Renew_F/S Bind_F/S Restart_F/S = ");
	Serial.print(" ");
	Serial.print(" ");
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