Play SdWav with Audio Library and read other file from SD

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Well-known member
Hi to all,
I would use a PlaySdWav, then open SD play a specific wav file, but before this, I use other library to open a specific file, this file is in same SD card.
It seems that after open file, read my data and close it, it can't open SD for Audio.

Is there a best way do to this?
Find the SD_t3.h file within your Arduino folder. Edit it to turn on the experimental optimizations.

Those optimizations will let you use the SD card from both the audio and your program. Or they're supposed to.... please do let me know how they work for you?

However, the optimized version can't write anything to the card. It can only read. So far, there isn't any code that gives the ability to run in both places and be able to write files. Someday that will be created, but for now you have to give up writing ability to get the optimizations for dual use.
I'm thinking... but how can I close or dispose an SD instance?
I'm trying to clear my question.
Can I stop all instance of Audio library and SD/SPI library and in second time riactivate all?
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From posts I've seen the Audio Library code is RUN only - once started it doesn't have a stop provision.
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