Trouble with W25Q128FV on Audio adapter

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Well-known member
Hi all,

I am using a W25Q128FV with the audio board and trying to get basic functionality. I'm having trouble with the 'Erase Everything' and 'RawHardwareTest' examples.

The chip is soldered on fine and connected properly to the teensy. Audio output and SD card functionality is all ok.

I have changed the SCK an MOSI pins in the examples as commented. Code and serial output for both examples is below. ( I am erasing before and after hardware test) The chip is being recognised, but not read properly by the looks of it.



#include <SerialFlash.h>
#include <SPI.h>

SerialFlashFile file;

const unsigned long testIncrement = 4096;

void setup() {
  //uncomment these if using Teensy audio shield
  SPI.setSCK(14);  // Audio shield has SCK on pin 14
  SPI.setMOSI(7);  // Audio shield has MOSI on pin 7

  //uncomment these if you have other SPI chips connected
  //to keep them disabled while using only SerialFlash
  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // wait up to 10 seconds for Arduino Serial Monitor
  unsigned long startMillis = millis();
  while (!Serial && (millis() - startMillis < 10000)) ;

  unsigned char id[3];
  unsigned long size = SerialFlash.capacity(id);

  if (size > 0) {
    Serial.print("Flash Memory has ");
    Serial.println(" bytes.");
    Serial.println("Erasing ALL Flash Memory:");
    // Estimate the (lengthy) wait time.
    Serial.print("  estimated wait: ");
    int seconds = (float)size / eraseBytesPerSecond(id) + 0.5;
    Serial.println(" seconds.");
    Serial.println("  Yes, full chip erase is SLOW!");
    unsigned long dotMillis = millis();
    unsigned char dotcount = 0;
    while (SerialFlash.ready() == false) {
      if (millis() - dotMillis > 1000) {
        dotMillis = dotMillis + 1000;
        dotcount = dotcount + 1;
        if (dotcount >= 60) {
          dotcount = 0;
    if (dotcount > 0) Serial.println();
    Serial.println("Erase completed");
    unsigned long elapsed = millis() - startMillis;
    Serial.print("  actual wait: ");
    Serial.print(elapsed / 1000ul);
    Serial.println(" seconds.");

float eraseBytesPerSecond(const unsigned char *id) {
  if (id[0] == 0x20) return 152000.0; // Micron
  if (id[0] == 0x01) return 500000.0; // Spansion
  if (id[0] == 0xEF) return 419430.0; // Winbond
  if (id[0] == 0xC2) return 279620.0; // Macronix
  return 320000.0; // guess?

void loop() {


Flash Memory has 16777216 bytes.
Erasing ALL Flash Memory:
  estimated wait: 40 seconds.
  Yes, full chip erase is SLOW!
Erase completed
  actual wait: 8 seconds.


// RawHardwareTest - Check if a SPI Flash chip is compatible
// with SerialFlash by performing many read and write tests
// to its memory.
// The chip should be fully erased before running this test.
// Use the EraseEverything to do a (slow) full chip erase.
// Normally you should NOT access the flash memory directly,
// as this test program does.  You should create files and
// read and write the files.  File creation allocates space
// with program & erase boundaries within the chip, to allow
// reading from any other files while a file is busy writing
// or erasing (if created as erasable).
// If you discover an incompatible chip, please report it here:
// You MUST post the complete output of this program, and
// the exact part number and manufacturer of the chip.

#include <SerialFlash.h>
#include <SPI.h>

SerialFlashFile file;

const unsigned long testIncrement = 4096;

void setup() {

  //uncomment these if using Teensy audio shield
  SPI.setSCK(14);  // Audio shield has SCK on pin 14
  SPI.setMOSI(7);  // Audio shield has MOSI on pin 7

  //uncomment these if you have other SPI chips connected
  //to keep them disabled while using only SerialFlash
  //pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);

  while (!Serial) ;

  Serial.println("Raw SerialFlash Hardware Test");

  if (test()) {
    Serial.println("All Tests Passed  :-)");
    Serial.println("Test data was written to your chip.  You must run");
    Serial.println("EraseEverything before using this chip for files.");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Tests Failed  :{");
    Serial.println("The flash chip may be left in an improper state.");
    Serial.println("You might need to power cycle to return to normal.");

bool test() {
  unsigned char buf[256], sig[256], buf2[8];
  unsigned long address, count, chipsize, blocksize;
  unsigned long usec;
  bool first;

  // Read the chip identification
  Serial.println("Read Chip Identification:");
  Serial.print("  JEDEC ID:     ");
  Serial.print(buf[0], HEX);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(buf[1], HEX);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.println(buf[2], HEX);
  Serial.print("  Part Nummber: ");
  Serial.print("  Memory Size:  ");
  chipsize = SerialFlash.capacity(buf);
  Serial.println(" bytes");
  if (chipsize == 0) return false;
  Serial.print("  Block Size:   ");
  blocksize = SerialFlash.blockSize();
  Serial.println(" bytes");

  // Read the entire chip.  Every test location must be
  // erased, or have a previously tested signature
  Serial.println("Reading Chip...");
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
  memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
  address = 0;
  count = 0;
  first = true;
  while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8);
    //Serial.print("  addr = ");
    //Serial.print(address, HEX);
    //Serial.print(", data = ");
    //printbuf(buf, 8);
    create_signature(address, sig);
    if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) {
      if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
        Serial.print("  Previous data found at address ");
        Serial.println("  You must fully erase the chip before this test");
        Serial.print("  found this: ");
        printbuf(buf, 8);
        Serial.print("     correct: ");
        printbuf(sig, 8);
        return false;
    } else {
      count = count + 1; // number of blank signatures
    if (first) {
      address = address + (testIncrement - 8);
      first = false;
    } else {
      address = address + 8;
      first = true;

  // Write any signatures that were blank on the original check
  if (count > 0) {
    Serial.print("Writing ");
    Serial.println(" signatures");
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
    memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
    address = 0;
    first = true;
    while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8);
      if (is_erased(buf, 8)) {
        create_signature(address, sig);
        //Serial.printf("write %08X: data: ", address);
        //printbuf(sig, 8);
        SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 8);
        while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait, buf, 8);
        if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
          Serial.print("  error writing signature at ");
          Serial.print("  Read this: ");
          printbuf(buf, 8);
          Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
          printbuf(sig, 8);
          return false;
      if (first) {
        address = address + (testIncrement - 8);
        first = false;
      } else {
        address = address + 8;
        first = true;
  } else {
    Serial.println("  all signatures present from prior tests");

  // Read all the signatures again, just to be sure
  // checks prior writing didn't corrupt any other data
  Serial.println("Double Checking All Signatures:");
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
  memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
  count = 0;
  address = 0;
  first = true;
  while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8);
    create_signature(address, sig);
    if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
      Serial.print("  error in signature at ");
      Serial.print("  Read this: ");
      printbuf(buf, 8);
      Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
      printbuf(sig, 8);
      return false;
    count = count + 1;
    if (first) {
      address = address + (testIncrement - 8);
      first = false;
    } else {
      address = address + 8;
      first = true;
  Serial.print("  all ");
  Serial.println(" signatures read ok");

  // Read pairs of adjacent signatures
  // check read works across boundaries
  Serial.println("Checking Signature Pairs");
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
  memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
  count = 0;
  address = testIncrement - 8;
  first = true;
  while (address < chipsize - 8) {, buf, 16);
    create_signature(address, sig);
    create_signature(address + 8, sig + 8);
    if (memcmp(buf, sig, 16) != 0) {
      Serial.print("  error in signature pair at ");
      Serial.print("  Read this: ");
      printbuf(buf, 16);
      Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
      printbuf(sig, 16);
      return false;
    count = count + 1;
    address = address + testIncrement;
  Serial.print("  all ");
  Serial.println(" signature pairs read ok");

  // Write data and read while write in progress
  Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Write (Program Suspend)");
  address = 256;
  while (address < chipsize) { // find a blank space, buf, 256);
    if (is_erased(buf, 256)) break;
    address = address + 256;
  if (address >= chipsize) {
    Serial.println("  error, unable to find any blank space!");
    return false;
  for (int i=0; i < 256; i += 8) {
    create_signature(address + i, sig + i);
  Serial.print("  write 256 bytes at ");
  SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 256);
  usec = micros();
  if (SerialFlash.ready()) {
    Serial.println("  error, chip did not become busy after write");
    return false;
  }, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing
  while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait
  usec = micros() - usec;
  Serial.print("  write time was ");
  Serial.println(" microseconds.");, buf, 256);
  if (memcmp(buf, sig, 256) != 0) {
    Serial.println("  error writing to flash");
    Serial.print("  Read this: ");
    printbuf(buf, 256);
    Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
    printbuf(sig, 256);
    return false;
  create_signature(0, sig);
  if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) {
    Serial.println("  error, incorrect read while writing");
    Serial.print("  Read this: ");
    printbuf(buf2, 256);
    Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
    printbuf(sig, 256);
    return false;
  Serial.print("  read-while-writing: ");
  printbuf(buf2, 8);
  Serial.println("  test passed, good read while writing");

  // Erase a block and read while erase in progress
  if (chipsize >= 262144 + blocksize + testIncrement) {
    Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Erase (Erase Suspend)");
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
    memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
    usec = micros();
    if (SerialFlash.ready()) {
      Serial.println("  error, chip did not become busy after erase");
      return false;
    }, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing
    while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait
    usec = micros() - usec;
    Serial.print("  erase time was ");
    Serial.println(" microseconds.");
    // read all signatures, check ones in this block got
    // erased, and all the others are still intact
    address = 0;
    first = true;
    while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8);
      if (address >= 262144 && address < 262144 + blocksize) {
        if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) {
          Serial.print("  error in erasing at ");
          Serial.print("  Read this: ");
          printbuf(buf, 8);
          return false;
      } else {
        create_signature(address, sig);
        if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
          Serial.print("  error in signature at ");
          Serial.print("  Read this: ");
          printbuf(buf, 8);
          Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
          printbuf(sig, 8);
          return false;
      if (first) {
        address = address + (testIncrement - 8);
        first = false;
      } else {
        address = address + 8;
        first = true;
    Serial.print("  erase correctly erased ");
    Serial.println(" bytes");
    // now check if the data we read during erase is good
    create_signature(0, sig);
    if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) {
      Serial.println("  error, incorrect read while erasing");
      Serial.print("  Read this: ");
      printbuf(buf2, 256);
      Serial.print("  Expected:  ");
      printbuf(sig, 256);
      return false;
    Serial.print("  read-while-erasing: ");
    printbuf(buf2, 8);
    Serial.println("  test passed, good read while erasing");

  } else {
    Serial.println("Skip Read-While-Erase, this chip is too small");

  return true;

void loop() {
  // do nothing after the test

const char * id2chip(const unsigned char *id)
	if (id[0] == 0xEF) {
		// Winbond
		if (id[1] == 0x40) {
			if (id[2] == 0x14) return "W25Q80BV";
			if (id[2] == 0x17) return "W25Q64FV";
			if (id[2] == 0x18) return "W25Q128FV";
			if (id[2] == 0x19) return "W25Q256FV";
	if (id[0] == 0x01) {
		// Spansion
		if (id[1] == 0x02) {
			if (id[2] == 0x16) return "S25FL064A";
			if (id[2] == 0x19) return "S25FL256S";
			if (id[2] == 0x20) return "S25FL512S";
		if (id[1] == 0x20) {
			if (id[2] == 0x18) return "S25FL127S";
	if (id[0] == 0xC2) {
		// Macronix
		if (id[1] == 0x20) {
			if (id[2] == 0x18) return "MX25L12805D";
	if (id[0] == 0x20) {
		// Micron
		if (id[1] == 0xBA) {
			if (id[2] == 0x20) return "N25Q512A";
			if (id[2] == 0x21) return "N25Q00AA";
		if (id[1] == 0xBB) {
			if (id[2] == 0x22) return "MT25QL02GC";
	if (id[0] == 0xBF) {
		// SST
		if (id[1] == 0x25) {
			if (id[2] == 0x02) return "SST25WF010";
			if (id[2] == 0x03) return "SST25WF020";
			if (id[2] == 0x04) return "SST25WF040";
			if (id[2] == 0x41) return "SST25VF016B";
			if (id[2] == 0x4A) return "SST25VF032";
		if (id[1] == 0x25) {
			if (id[2] == 0x01) return "SST26VF016";
			if (id[2] == 0x02) return "SST26VF032";
			if (id[2] == 0x43) return "SST26VF064";
	return "(unknown chip)";

void print_signature(const unsigned char *data)
	for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
		Serial.print(" ");

void create_signature(unsigned long address, unsigned char *data)
	data[0] = address >> 24;
	data[1] = address >> 16;
	data[2] = address >> 8;
	data[3] = address;
	unsigned long hash = 2166136261ul;
	for (unsigned char i=0; i < 4; i++) {
		hash ^= data[i];
		hash *= 16777619ul;
	data[4] = hash;
	data[5] = hash >> 8;
	data[6] = hash >> 16;
	data[7] = hash >> 24;

bool equal_signatures(const unsigned char *data1, const unsigned char *data2)
	for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
		if (data1[i] != data2[i]) return false;
	return true;

bool is_erased(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len)
	while (len > 0) {
		if (*data++ != 255) return false;
		len = len - 1;
	return true;

void printbuf(const void *buf, uint32_t len)
  const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)buf;
  do {
    unsigned char b = *p++;
    Serial.print(b >> 4, HEX);
    Serial.print(b & 15, HEX);
    //Serial.printf("%02X", *p++);
    Serial.print(" ");
  } while (--len > 0);

Raw SerialFlash Hardware Test

Read Chip Identification:
  JEDEC ID:     EF 40 18
  Part Nummber: W25Q128FV
  Memory Size:  16777216 bytes
  Block Size:   65536 bytes

Reading Chip...

Writing 8192 signatures
  error writing signature at 0
  Read this: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 
  Expected:  00 00 00 00 15 F5 95 4B 

Tests Failed  :{

The flash chip may be left in an improper state.
You might need to power cycle to return to normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Last edited:
Well that's very mysterious. I'm not able to think of any other reasons the chip would properly identify itself, so obviously the 4 SPI signals are good, but then not be able to write.
Ok thanks for the help anyway - I'll order another chip incase this one's duff!

You might be encountering a similar issue to the one that I've had in this thread:

After a few hours on a scope and messing with the code, I determined that the Teensy SPI library doesn't support duplex read/write as the W25Q128 does. What I mean by that is that the W25Q128 will clock in instructions on a rising clock edge, but output data on a falling clock edge. Sometimes the memory chip will glitch and relax from a 1 to a zero on the DO (MISO) pin around the rising clock edge, but regain the proper state by the falling clock edge (see below screenshot for an example, right before the D3/CLK rising edge for the second byte the D4/MISO line relaxes to 0):

My solution was reconfiguring the SPI read instructions to use SPI_MODE1 (ending the previous transaction, and starting a new one, though I'm working on code to toggle the polarity i.e. clock edge very quickly). I don't know if this is your problem, but might be worth a shot.
You might be encountering a similar issue to the one that I've had in this thread:

After a few hours on a scope and messing with the code, I determined that the Teensy SPI library doesn't support duplex read/write as the W25Q128 does. What I mean by that is that the W25Q128 will clock in instructions on a rising clock edge, but output data on a falling clock edge. Sometimes the memory chip will glitch and relax from a 1 to a zero on the DO (MISO) pin around the rising clock edge, but regain the proper state by the falling clock edge (see below screenshot for an example, right before the D3/CLK rising edge for the second byte the D4/MISO line relaxes to 0):
View attachment 6455

My solution was reconfiguring the SPI read instructions to use SPI_MODE1 (ending the previous transaction, and starting a new one, though I'm working on code to toggle the polarity i.e. clock edge very quickly). I don't know if this is your problem, but might be worth a shot.

Thanks for the reply drewrisinger. As Paul says, it's just baffling that it would work for him and not us, using the same code and components. I've ordered another win bond chip and will report back. I am leaning towards the idea of it being bad chips or something similar, since mine identified itself but couldn't be read or written.
Reading the correct ID bytes, but then no ability to write is a very different problem than not managing to reliably read the ID.

One is almost certainly good connections but a write protected or locked chip, but the other is very likely poor connections or some other wiring issue.
Just to insure there is not a procedural problem. RawHardwarerTest will fail as noted above if the Serial FLash has not been erased. Run EraseEverything before running RawHardwareTest.
Purchased a new memory chip, swapped them out and it works a charm. Must have been a bad one.

Thanks for you help.
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