Using the ESP8266 with a Teensy

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I've posted some code on my github that uses a Teensy Serial port to setup the ESP8266 as an Access Point. This sets up a webpage at that you can use to set your SSID, password, static IP, static gateway, static subnet, UDP port, and Ethernet IP address. This information is transmitted serially back to the Teensy, which can then be saved to EEPROM. The Teensy can then serially set up the ESP8266 as a station for all subsequent reboots.

I'm using it with my TeensyNet boards as a WiFi setup. Right now I'm using the ESP-01 board, but it should work with just about any of the boards out there. It uses the Arduino IDE.
That looks informative - want to see UDP. I don't see the Teensy side serial I/O sketch?

After starting with the Sample OTA sketch I came across this much more advanced project - has WiFi config and FTP file dropping and everything but the kitchen sink and MQTT and maybe UDP to be added.
User sketch is all but empty - everything for the server is in the library. Uses JSON and puts up pages from SPIFFS. It works on a 1MB ESP split with a 256KB SPIFFS area and works for OTA - about 311KB binary with simple adds to base code.
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