Teensy Transfer Tool :: HID access to SerialFlash


Senior Member+
Cool tool from FrankB : https://github.com/FrankBoesing/TeensyTransfer uses SerialFlash on Teensy to read, write files over "RAW HID" to a Teensy

I'll leave it to him to fill in changes and details.

But I found a bug using this with the PJRC Prop Shield onboard Flash. Posting this so Frank can investigate - it may be fixed and my system may need reflashed and started over with proper sources - but for now this is where I am and how I got there in a Windows CMD Prompt window:

C:\tCode\libraries\TeensyTransfer\extras>dir > who7
C:\tCode\libraries\TeensyTransfer\extras>teensytransfer.exe -w who7
C:\tCode\libraries\TeensyTransfer\extras>teensytransfer.exe -l
874 foo.txt
12612 Ttrans.zip
623 README.md
634 foo2☻z
688 foo2foofoofoo
792 who2♥↑
837 who3♥E
882 who5♥r
927 who7♥ƒ

From this thread