Teensy 3.2 Extended Board


Well-known member
I have four of the Teensy 3.2 boards and find them ideal for my project. Fortunately, I'm using only the pins from the existing header. The pads on the underside are somewhat useless because of the soldering required. My hands are too shaky. There needs to be another version of the board, TeensyEX, whereby the board is extended out the end opposite the USB connector and contains all of the pad signals from the underside, the three inner pins, and the ones already at that end. Keep it in dual line form so it can be plugged into a prototype board. The user could also use female headers like the Due and Mega if it can not be plugged in due to too many pins. The extra board space might also help keep some of the components away from the existing header holes. Soldering there is somewhat tricky.
If you haven't seen this before, this board that you can order at OSH park provides all of the extra pins: https://www.oshpark.com/shared_projects/Gnvbt7io. The price at OSH park is $8.30 for 3 boards.

Here is a different version: https://www.tindie.com/products/loglow/teensy-31-breakout/?pt=full_prod_search. If you find it impossible to solder, you can buy a Teensy 3.2 with it soldered on to the PCB for $55.

Here is a 3rd carrier that only extends back 0.2" https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/cYQjHdCu. The price for 3 boards is $3.45.
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Thank you for the info. I was able to solder header pins onto my T32 boards but the adapter boards will need the help of a younger friend. My original suggestion would be the most help for me.


This is close to what I'm suggesting. If these were available with all components then it would serve my purpose.

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