Scratching my head over data formats

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Hi all, i'm working on a canbus connected GPS + IMU.
i'm tring to send the data over the canbus but i'm having some issues with the data formats.
I'm using 3 kind of unions, one with 32 bit for latitude and longitude
  union conv 
    int32_t f;
    uint8_t b[4];
And two16 bit one for signed quantities and another for unsigned variables
    union conv_short 
    int16_t f;
    uint8_t b[2];

    union conv_short_u
    uint16_t f;
    uint8_t b[2];

With the GPS all works fine but i'm strugggling with the IMU values, I have the Roll Pitch and Yaw valuee stored in 3 floats variables I multiply the floats by the scaling factor (let's say is 100) and then I store them in the unint16_t and int16_t respectively, then i fill the bites of the canbus frames with the .b values and i send the frames.
When it comes to read the canbus (I've tryed with my Marelli Motorsport logger and with Busmaster and a PCAN Usb getting the same values) comes the troubles:

My float value is let's say is -1.23123 i multiply it by 100 and i get -123.123 that sent to the int16_t variable will become -123, the 2 bytes then are:
FF and 85

So roll.f = -123
roll.b[1] = FF
roll.b[0] = 85

Since arduino and teensy are small endian and the system receiving them is Big Endian and this message is using byte 0 and byte 1 of my can frame i store the values as


If a read the frame i correctly see FF as byte 0 and 85 as byte 1 but wen i revert it to an int number i get 654.130 instead of -123 !
If i set the signal as a little endian and i swap the bytes is still have 654.130 !!!

I guess the can systems are representing negative values in a different way ? Any help apreciated !!!

What i'm doing wrong ??
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