Fixes for compiler warnings in LedDisplay library


New member
I've made some minor changes in the LedDisplay library to squash some compiler warnings (warnings about progmem directive being ignored and the Font5x7 variable not being used). I've been looking for where the source code for the library is hosted so that I could submit those changes (as a pull request or similar), but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Could someone please direct me to where I can find the source code?
I don't completely know how the teensyduino library install/update system works, but I assume that for a library like LedDisplay that isn't being maintained it just downloads a zipfile. Is there an easy way to switch that library over to a version control system like GitHub? If that's easy enough, that would be nice. If not, depending on where that zipfile is hosted, would it be possible to send changes to whoever owns it?