OctoWS2811 VideoDisplay + FastLED

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I'm working on a project that uses a Teensy 3.2 running this: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/OctoWS2811/blob/master/examples/VideoDisplay/VideoDisplay.ino. I'm not displaying video (actually about 1000 leds mapped on a sphere). I'd like to get the color correction goodness of FastLED. I think this shouldn't be too difficult- has anyone done this before? Also I'm willing to consider other suggestions.

I have it working (without FastLED) using a modified version of the example processing sketch (ported to Scala and pushing data over USB using http://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/

My current hardware implementation only uses ~1000 LEDs, but I want to be able to scale it out, so maintaining multi-teensy support would be nice.

In summary the system would look like this:
PC/RPi generates frame of RGB values, sends data over USB to Teensy running FastLED which adjusts colors and renders using code similar to this:
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I got this working- it's pretty straightforward if you don't try to unpack the bits as-is and instead send over bytes for each fastled pixel's r, g, b fields.
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