K66 Beta Test

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Good news, the round 3 boards are here, and so far they're looking really good.

I'm going to spend just a few days doing more tests, and they we'll start shipping the round 3 betas later this week.
The following is a list of people who are eligible to receive a round 3 beta board. While we really appreciate any testing and feedback you can offer, it is not required. These boards are a thank you for contributions you have made. These round 3 boards are limited to the individuals on this list.

If you are on this list and have not contacted me with your current shipping address, please send me an email directly - robin at pjrc dot com

If you don't remember whether or not you have sent me an email, go ahead and email me again. :)

Bill Greiman
Good news, the round 3 boards are here, and so far they're looking really good.

I'm going to spend just a few days doing more tests, and they we'll start shipping the round 3 betas later this week.


This afternoon I picked up my mail from town and now have the Beta Network board. Took me a few minutes plus searching on this thread to figure out which pins to plug it into. So now to start looking at what all to test here.

Plus in today's mail I also received my order from OSHPark with the SDCard adapter. (10 of them).

They appear to fit. So at some point may update my code branches that enable those pins and try it out.

Plus with my Teensy order have new Touch screens to try out on the beta board...

Plus would like to try seeing how well Radio head might work on SPI1 or 2...

Problem is too many things to play with!

Again Congrats! Can't wait until I can order some!
Good news, the round 3 boards are here, and so far they're looking really good.

I'm going to spend just a few days doing more tests, and they we'll start shipping the round 3 betas later this week.

"looking really good" is great to hear! Also assuming the monster Bed-o-nails assembled to function and test as needed/expected.
Much work remains to be done on how we're going to fully test these boards. The bed of nails test is still a work in progress.

For the round 3 betas, the bed of nails is testing the 58 digital and 4 analog pins, and some (but not all) of the power and ground pins. Every board will have a unique serial number. I'm going to manually test the SD card socket, USB host power, and RTC crystal. A few things, like connectivity of the USB1 signals & debug signals to bottom-side pads are going to go untested (but I did test these on a sample board by soldering things to those locations). This will still be much better testing than was done on any of the round 1 & 2 betas. Not 100% coverage, but still pretty good.

I revised the test fixture PCBs and sent them in to OSH Park yesterday. Some of the missing tests are related to limits in the first hardware, others are just missing software support at this point. Obviously I don't want to wait 2+ weeks for a final bed of nails before we start round 3.
Are the round 3 boards release candidates, or are there differences to the planned production boards? Provided no errors are found of course.
The final production boards will be physically identical to round 3. From here on, only software changes! :)

Awesome work Paul. The proto worked, but so much more room there.

... 'derived' as far as the serial # and Mac from the shared bits. Nice to know for sure the scheme isn't changing.
Quick updates: I verified I think that the network card works with the Beta board. Now need to figure out what needs testing with it.

But removed it again and did some testing of my Radiohead library updates where I explicitly added Transaction support, and hopefully self contained it.

I then verified that it worked on Standard SPI.

I then added a copy of the Hardwarespi code in RadioHead, Where I then changed all calls to SPI. to SPI1.

I then made an update to test program that talks with RFM95, which I have currently talking to Feather M0 as my 2nd radio for Teensy is fried (replacement should arrive in about a week).

I then updated the test sketch to use this class, plus different IO pins.
// rf95_server.pde
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Example sketch showing how to create a simple messageing server
// with the RH_RF95 class. RH_RF95 class does not provide for addressing or
// reliability, so you should only use RH_RF95  if you do not need the higher
// level messaging abilities.
// It is designed to work with the other example rf95_client
// Tested with Anarduino MiniWirelessLoRa, Rocket Scream Mini Ultra Pro with
// the RFM95W, Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95

#include <SPI.h>
#include <RH_RF95.h>
#define TRY_SPI1
#ifdef TRY_SPI1
#include <RHHardwareSPI1.h>
// MISO 1, MOSI 0, SCK 20
#define RFM95_CS 26 //10
#define RFM95_RST 9
#define RFM95_INT 2

RH_RF95 rf95(RFM95_CS, RFM95_INT, hardware_spi1);

// Singleton instance of the radio driver
//  RH_RF95(uint8_t slaveSelectPin = SS, uint8_t interruptPin = 2, RHGenericSPI& spi = hardware_spi);
#define RFM95_CS 10
#define RFM95_RST 9
#define RFM95_INT 2

RH_RF95 rf95(RFM95_CS, RFM95_INT);

// Change to 434.0 or other frequency, must match RX's freq!
#define RF95_FREQ 915.0

void setup() 
  pinMode(RFM95_RST, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, HIGH);

  while (!Serial) ; // Wait for serial port to be available
  if (!rf95.init())
    Serial.println("init failed");  
  // Defaults after init are 434.0MHz, 13dBm, Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on

  if (!rf95.setFrequency(RF95_FREQ)) {
    Serial.println("setFrequency failed");
    while (1);
  Serial.print("Set Freq to: "); Serial.println(RF95_FREQ);
  rf95.setTxPower(23, false);


void loop()
  if (rf95.available())
    // Should be a message for us now   
    uint8_t buf[RH_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
    uint8_t len = sizeof(buf);
    if (rf95.recv(buf, &len))
//      digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
//      RH_RF95::printBuffer("request: ", buf, len);
      Serial.print("got request: ");
      Serial.print("RSSI: ");
      Serial.println(rf95.lastRssi(), DEC);
      // Send a reply
      uint8_t data[] = "And hello back to you";
      bool sent = rf95.send(data, sizeof(data));
      Serial.print("Send reply ");
      Serial.println((int)sent, DEC);
      Serial.println("Sent a reply");
//       digitalWrite(led, LOW);
      Serial.println("recv failed");
This appears to be working! That is I am getting messages from Feather and Feather is receiving my responses.

But wonder if I need to take another pass through the PIN out card and defaults for which pins are valid for what. That is currently for SPI1, we have, the following pins. Note: the first one is the current default, also does not include SDCARD pins.
MOSI: 0, 21
MISO: 1, 5
SCK: 20, 32  (wondering if 32 should be default?)
CS: 6:0, 31:0  (both pins 6 and 31 are hardware CS number 0 for SPI1)
I pushed the changes up to my fork/branch of Radiohead
I shipped out the first batch of round 3 K66 beta boards to the following users:

When you receive your board PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY PICTURES until Paul gives the okay.

I will be sending out more boards tomorrow. If you have already contacted me, don't worry, you will be hearing from me soon with a tracking number. More boards are going out tomorrow

If you are on the list in the first post of this thread and you have not contacted me, please email directly at robin at pjrc dot com with your shipping address (and include your forum user name so I can easily identify you). If you are outside the US please also give me a phone number I can list on the customs form.
As I did not see if XPT2046 touch screen was tested or not and I received a couple of the PJRC touch displays (http://www.pjrc.com/store/display_ili9341_touch.html),
I thought I would check.

I hooked it up as shown on the web page and so far it appears to be working!

Good TOUCH still works - and on newer displays. I tested the Touch and the interrupt interface I added early on to be sure that work had no issues.
... Also the last TOUCH ColorButtonsMark3 sample I did for XPT2046_Touchscreen and ILI9341_t3 are working fine. (using PJRC Purple Touch board from OSH)
... 06-16-2016

Here is a working bit of code updated and posted before that pulls the PJRC Teensy Serial number, In that thread I also extended it to pull out the Freescale "Unique Identification Register" values that are 128 bits stored per individual CPU - that is not related to the PJRC scheme.
View attachment T3Mac.zip

PROTO K66 gives the zero'd MAC and Serial # - and shows ID a bit different that the T_3.1 does in the left bytes.
Chip MAC ID == 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00
Teensy Serial# 00
Reading 128-bit UniqueID from Teensy 000CFFFF FFFFFFFF 4E453583 20010023

The four 32 bit values have the right #define in Kinetis.h - same names as before so no real code change from prior posting.
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Here is a working bit of code updated and posted before that pulls the PJRC Teensy Serial number,

These larger chips organize the "program once" memory at 64 bit words, not 32 bits. The code to read the serial number is similar, but needs some minor edits. Also, it can't be read while the chip in in HSRUN mode (faster than 120 MHz).
Yikes, more eeprom effect, that affects pulling serial # out at/after boot time. I'll look again for your USB code? And update. The sample so I can see when I get a complete unit
Good TOUCH still works - and on newer displays. I tested the Touch and the interrupt interface I added early on to be sure that work had no issues.
Good - Sorry I missed your earlier posting on it. I did a thread search on XPT2046 and it still only shows our two postings yesterday.

I have not tested the touch code for the Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD with touch, which has 4 wire touch screen...
But maybe should leave something for the people receiving the Beta 3 boards to test :lol:
Paul - re: p#1017 - usb_desc.c :: void usb_init_serialnumber(void) is the place for that right? Is that code K66 ready?

Good - .... I did a thread search on XPT2046 and it still only shows our two postings yesterday.

I have not tested the touch code for the Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD with touch, which has 4 wire touch screen...
But maybe should leave something for the people receiving the Beta 3 boards to test :lol:

As noted - glad you confirmed it working lots of software changes since then - it took me a while to find my own posting. I hooked that up first thing and then still waiting to get back to it.

Jetted cross country and brought Teensy for down time - my replacement RFM95 mount PCB's showed up at home - those still days away now - but amazon got a soldering iron here Sunday.
Yesterday beta boards shipped out to the following users:
Bill Greiman

If you have contacted me with your current shipping address and you are not on this list, don't worry, I have more beta boards queued up to ship out today and tomorrow.
Could I get a footprint of the new board so I can start laying out my circuit board to use it (an eagle library would be even better).
I have a project where I'm using a teensy 3.1, but I had to use a mux to get all the serial ports I needed and I'm still short i/o's.
This new board will solve my problems (and make coding easier).
Could I get a footprint of the new board so I can start laying out my circuit board to use it (an eagle library would be even better).
I have a project where I'm using a teensy 3.1, but I had to use a mux to get all the serial ports I needed and I'm still short i/o's.
This new board will solve my problems (and make coding easier).

My hunch is that footprint will only be made available if all beta tests are not resulting in further pcb changes.
However, if you go to one of the earlier posts of this thread you will see Paul's pin assignments. This should allow you to prepare the pcb (I did this for my project)
OK, this is not an official footprint, and changes are possible, but it helps you to prepare a pcb .
Otherwise, you simply have to wait
Sure, it can be done. As soon as I'm in Germany for a couple of days, I will send by another courier.

The K66 beta is now back to PJRC. I hope it was in time for Paul to work on it and that it may be useful to improve future Teensies.
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