Serialx - Support for half duplex...

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As I have been testing several Serial port related issues associated with the new beta board which now adds Serial4 and Serial5. Right now I am needing to update some of my own code/libraries to support them, and I was wondering if it makes sense to add some of the support for Half duplex directly into the HardwareSerial code.

Example Setup code for my Bioloid (Robotis AX12) support.
void ax12Init(long baud, Stream* pstream, int direction_pin ){
    // Need to enable the PU resistor on the TX pin
    s_paxStream = pstream;
    s_direction_pin = direction_pin;    // save away.

    // Lets do some init here
    if (s_paxStream == &Serial) {

    if (s_paxStream == (Stream*)&Serial1) {
#if defined(KINETISK) || defined(__MKL26Z64__)
        if (s_direction_pin == -1) {
            UART0_C1 |= UART_C1_LOOPS | UART_C1_RSRC;
            CORE_PIN1_CONFIG = PORT_PCR_DSE | PORT_PCR_SRE | PORT_PCR_MUX(3) | PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS; // pullup on output pin;
        } else {
#elif defined(TEENSYDUINO)
        // Handle on Teensy2...
        if (s_direction_pin != -1) {
    if (s_paxStream == &Serial2) {
#if defined(KINETISK)  || defined(__MKL26Z64__)
        if (s_direction_pin == -1) {
            UART1_C1 |= UART_C1_LOOPS | UART_C1_RSRC;
            CORE_PIN10_CONFIG = PORT_PCR_DSE | PORT_PCR_SRE | PORT_PCR_MUX(3) | PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS; // pullup on output pin;
        } else {

Current code also supports Serial3... Now to add 4/5. More question for other thread, but figure out what #ifdef to use to know if I have Serial4 and Serial5...

But it would be great if instead, I could use a different, MODE on Serial1.begin(1000000, SERIAL_8N1_HALFDUPLEX);

And it would handle the changing of the UARTS c1 register and currently I then enable PU on the ports TX register. Could use bit 6 for this.

Currently my own code is not as complete as it should be as I don't currently have any support for handling the non default TX pin for the UART, and there are no calls to query what the TX pin currently is...

Also when I am doing the half duplex, I need to set/clear the UART_C3_TXDIR to set the TX pin as input or output. Current code to setRX looks like:
#if defined(KINETISK)  || defined(__MKL26Z64__)
    // Teensy 3.1
    if (s_paxStream == (Stream*)&Serial1) {
        UART0_C3 &= ~UART_C3_TXDIR;
    if (s_paxStream == (Stream*)&Serial2) {
        UART1_C3 &= ~UART_C3_TXDIR;
    if (s_paxStream == (Stream*)&Serial3) {
        UART2_C3 &= ~UART_C3_TXDIR;
I can probably clean this up in my own code to hold onto pointer of the UARTx_C3 register, but would be nice if I could add a method to do this internal to serial class. Something like: setHalfDuplexDirection(bool output=true);

If this makes sense, I would obviously be willing to do the work and issue Pull request.

Any idea how much code and performance cost this adds to the serial code?

I guess this question could really be better answered if we had some decent ways to benchmark the serial overhead.....
Hi Paul,

Not much code, I have not done the complete set yet, can and put it into it's own branch if you would like to take a look.
Along the line of:
#define SERIAL_8_N1_HALFDUPLEX 0x40
Then for each of the Serial1-5 add new function prototype:
void serial_set_tx_dir(uint8_t tx_output);

For each of the Serial classes add method:
	virtual void setTXPinDirection (uint8_t tx_output) { serial_set_tx_dir(tx_output); }

Then in each of the Serialx.c files, make change to serial_format: Something like:
void serial_format(uint32_t format)
	uint8_t c;

	c = UART0_C1;
	c = (c & ~0x13) | (format & 0x03);	// configure parity
	if (format & 0x04) c |= 0x10;		// 9 bits (might include parity)
	UART0_C1 = c;
	if ((format & 0x0F) == 0x04) UART0_C3 |= 0x40; // 8N2 is 9 bit with 9th bit always 1
	c = UART0_S2 & ~0x10;
	if (format & 0x10) c |= 0x10;		// rx invert
	UART0_S2 = c;
	c = UART0_C3 & ~0x10;
	if (format & 0x20) c |= 0x10;		// tx invert
	UART0_C3 = c;
	c = UART0_C4 & 0x1F;
	if (format & 0x08) c |= 0x20;		// 9 bit mode with parity (requires 10 bits)
	UART0_C4 = c;
	use9Bits = format & 0x80;
	if (format & 0x40) {
            UART0_C1 |= UART_C1_LOOPS | UART_C1_RSRC;  // Half duplex
Which added the last lines which turned on loops mode...
Note: optionally here, I often also turn on Pull up resistor, other times use external PU. But if added might look like:
But if I did it, would also need to check which IO pin is assigned to TX

Then for the set_tx_dir, function is pretty simple:
void serial_set_tx_dir(uint8_t tx_output)
	if (tx_output)
    	UART0_C3 |= UART_C3_TXDIR;
Again optionally in here I also typically in setting to RX mode do a Serial.flush(), as you typically need to wait until the last bit is output before switching the direction of the TX pin...

Hope that makes sense.

Edit: As per overhead, not much as the only code most apps would ever see is simply the extra test in the format function

Edit 2: Alternative to adding a new API would be to overload: transmitterEnable and it's functionality.
For example maybe allow special pin (0xff?), when set, would work same way as the direction pin, that is
Example in serial_putchar(c), we have:
if (transmit_pin) transmit_assert();

Where transmit_assert is macro, which on KINETISK: #define transmit_assert() *transmit_pin = 1;
So could could add code here... (if transmit_pin == (char*)-1) UART0_C3 |= UART_C3_TXDIR; else *transmit_pin = 1;

Likewise for transmit deassert()... This actually would be pretty nice as then my code could work the same for both with external buffer chip or using half duplex...
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