What to Do with Reset Pin on MKL26 when Removed From Teensy-LC board

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Howdy, again.

Forgive me if this answer exists on the forum, I believe I saw it once, but now I cannot find it...

So I've got the MKL26 micro on a separate board with all the necessary Teensyduino programming pins broken out to a connector and I program the MKL26 with a Teensy-LC board minus the MKL26. This all works really well.

The first one that I programmed wouldn't run the code, after programming and disconnecting from the Teensy-LC remains, until I pulled the RESET_B pin on the MKL26 high. So I've just been soldering a jumper to pull that RESET_B pin high after I program the MKL26.

Today, I programmed another MKL26 the same way as before, and after I disconnected the Teensy-LC remains but before I pulled the RESET_B pin high, the program is running fine... with the RESET_B pin left floating.

Does anyone know which way ought to be the correct way?

Thank you.
The reset pin should be left floating. It has an internal pullup resistor.

You should *not* short the reset pin to 3.3V. It's an open drain bidirectional signal, where the chip briefly pulls the pin low when/if the chip performs a reset.
Oh shoot...interesting. Thanks, again.

Any ideas why the program wouldn't initially run until I pulled the RESET_B pin high the first time? I know it wasn't actually running because the first thing it does is turn on some bright LEDs.

Edit: Hmm, maybe I had a weak short to gnd on the RESET_B pin on that particular board.
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