Question re: setTime(t)

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Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

I have a question re: setTime(t), the part of the Time.h library that tells the Teensy how many seconds have elapsed since 1/1/1970. When that command is invoked, does the underlying interval get reset too? For example,

1) Teensy running along fine and time_t =1000. It has been 500 millis since time_t advanced to current state.
2) I invoke setTime(600).
3) time_t should now be 600, but when will it advance to 601? In ~500 millis or 1000millis?

The reason I ask, is that I want synchronize multiple Teensy's and if the underlying interval to advance each time_t is reset whenever setTime(t) is called, then that task would be a lot easier. Here is the relevant code from the Time.cpp file in Paul's Github Repo.

time_t now() {
	// calculate number of seconds passed since last call to now()
  while (millis() - prevMillis >= 1000) {
		// millis() and prevMillis are both unsigned ints thus the subtraction will always be the absolute value of the difference
    prevMillis += 1000;	
    sysUnsyncedTime++; // this can be compared to the synced time to measure long term drift     
  if (nextSyncTime <= sysTime) {
    if (getTimePtr != 0) {
      time_t t = getTimePtr();
      if (t != 0) {
      } else {
        nextSyncTime = sysTime + syncInterval;
        Status = (Status == timeNotSet) ?  timeNotSet : timeNeedsSync;
  return (time_t)sysTime;


void setTime(time_t t) { 
 if(sysUnsyncedTime == 0) 
   sysUnsyncedTime = t;   // store the time of the first call to set a valid Time   

  sysTime = (uint32_t)t;  
  nextSyncTime = (uint32_t)t + syncInterval;
  Status = timeSet;
  prevMillis = millis();  // restart counting from now (thanks to Korman for this fix)

To me, the above suggests that when setTime is invoked, that the interval is restarted as well. Did I get that right?
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