Maximum baud of AltSoftwareSerial with other serial communication hardware present

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Hey all,

This is a paper verification I would like to understand before I go ahead and test. I am working with an atmeag328.

So I would like to perform serial communication between multiple ports, two of which are hardware, and one being Altsoftwareserial. From the information page at, the maximum baud rate for the altsoftwareserial library is 31250. From this, assuming a 16mhz clock source of the target MCU and a 16x multiplier for receiver/sender clock requirements to communicate via UART, I get 32 clock cycles per interrupt from the altsoftwareserial library.

Adding that I now will incur separate ISR's from the Hardware serial and Hardware i2c, I must add the potential delay in the altsoftwareserial to both the start and ending edges of a bit to be sent from the software controlled altsoftwareserial pin. Since hardware serial only needs processor time to transfer a byte into/out of the UART register, and the UART handles everything else (transmission, clock requirement, etc), the serial will hog up just a few cycles to perform this task. I assume it will take upwards of 32 clock cycles for the processor to transfer three bytes into the UART register based upon the packet length I need to transfer. Most likely a high limit, but I was unable to attain the number of cycles a UART isr takes to transfer in a byte. Similarly, I use the same justification for the processor to interact with the TWI hardware since I couldn't find those numbers either. So, the estimated start and ending bit delay to satisfy UART clocking requirements through altsoftwareserial will give me a possible extra 64 clock cycles on start of the bit, and 64 cycles on the end of the bit. From the altsoftwareserial 32 clocks per interrupt * 16 + 64 + 64 = 640 clock cycles. 16000000/640 = 25000.

From this analysis, I can assume a maximum reliable baud rate of 25000 for altsoftwareserial, assuming I have no other significant code in the interrupts. Is this sound research and reasoning? Or do I need to go back and read the reference manual again?

For those curious. I need an atmega328 to pass continuous dmx uart data (only 3 dmx channels) to altsoftwareserial port (9600baud), and for the atmega328 to receive occasional TWI data from a teensy 3.2 and pass it through to the altsoftwareserial port. There are obviously some nuances to the dmx library that I will have to contend with in order to make this work, but I just wanted to make sure my reasoning was correct above so I can resolve conflicts that I may see once I test.
If the DMX library is DmxSimple on the '328 chip, you're going to have much bigger interrupt latency issues to worry about!
If the DMX library is DmxSimple on the '328 chip, you're going to have much bigger interrupt latency issues to worry about!

Absolutely not! I've seen a couple of your posts about DmxSimple. I was thinking of using mathertel's library since I saw you posted a request to fork the library and implement other chipsets. So I figured it must have Paul's stamp of approval and be good to go, lol.
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