question: TFT vs LCD Teensy3.2, Paul Stoffregen Library

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Well-known member
Hello fellow builders,

I am new here, so bare/bear with me.

I am currently building a temperature sensor with a readout over the teensy3.2 and would like to use a tft ILI9341 by sending a temperature readout string to the display.

question: If I build this circuit 6x or 10x, and connect these teensy3.2's together over RS232/I2C/SPI, Would it present a problem in speed of displaying the strings from the different readouts on the display? is there a delay or an overal delay?, or is it better to have seperate displays?

also I was wondering if there is a comparison in speed between a LCD Crystal display and a LCD TFT over a teensy3.2.
It is not of particular concern which type LCD or TFT is taken (if the same driver are taken for displaying on the display).

as like all of you I would like to go to the fullest, because Microprocessors have a lot of potential, even more so in the future.
thanks for reading this thread, I hope you'd understand what I am asking, elsewise write/post to me.

I am curious for the responses.

sincerely yours

Bastiaan Pierik
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