Teensy 3 USB MIDI single byte transfers?

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I am working on a Nordic nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz Radio (non-wifi or bluetooth) wireless MIDI bridge.
So far everything works great, but I always send 3 byte packages.

I was wondering if single byte transfers are possible with the Teensy USB MIDI Library. This would
be more performant with those radios.

This way I could also overcome the limitation on sending just Note On, Off, Controller Change but
possibly also add the possibility to send SysEx or maybe even Real Time controls, as I didn't have
any latency or jitter problems with those radios over great distances.
USM MIDI Event packets are always 4 bytes in length. One USB MIDI header byte and three MIDI bytes.

For Realtime messages only the first MIDI byte has valid data, during SysEx messages all three bytes can contain valid data.

The serial port MIDI library can send one byte messages according to the MIDI specification.
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