Teensy library vs arduino

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Well-known member
Hi guys

I'm working on a handheld game project that will utilize a teensy 3.2. I've got an LCD that I've been trying to mix with the Teensy's GFX library.

My question is do I really need to do that or can I use the library that came with my LCD un-modified as long as the teensy library is installed in my IDE.
Depends on the unknown display you are trying to use? If you are using one that has been optimized for Teensy - using the Teensy 'native' code would save you time and likely give better results.

You can use any code you find - assuming you are willing and able to get it to run with any changes needed for the 32 bit ARM core used in the Teensy if it was build to talk to lesser/different processor. If it is (hopefully) an SPI display - the Teensy has hardware support for that used in some existing display code that is also made to run well with other devices sharing that SPI interface.
If you want to get something working quickly and easily, PJRC sells a very inexpensive display and touch screen with an optimized drawing library.
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