Teensy LC serial issue


My computer seems to have a strange issue with the Teensy LC, though I found a workaround, suggesting there is a solution possible.

The problem is that Serial communication doesn't want to open and the Teensy does not want to program automatically, only when I press the program button.

I found a workaround how to get the connection anyway:
  • Open the serial monitor (where I will not get anything and a Port Busy error)
  • Press upload sketch
  • After it's done compiling, I press the program button on the Teensy
  • Now the sketch uploads and I get data into my serial monitor

In another thread it was suggested that the problem might be malware related, but scans didn't show anything.

The Teensy seems to work fine on other people's computers. I'm running Windows 10 on an EliteBook 8570w. It doesn't seem to matter which USB port I use. I cannot pinpoint the moment that this started happening.

Any help would be much appreciated, as this makes working with the device quite a bother. Thanks a lot!
Try setting Tools > USB Type to something without Serial, like MIDI.

Even if you really intend to need a Com port, at least this can help to figure out if the problem is serial driver related, or something more USB generic.

In the non-serial modes, you can still print to the serial monitor. A hid interface is used to emulate serial in the modes.

Working with MIDI mode is functional! Though Max cannot communicate with the device in MIDI mode.

The delay doesn't change anything sadly.

I guess there is a process snatching the comport unless arduino is first to connect to it. Might the be some utilities to check which process is holding which comport?

It's good enough to work with for now, but if there would be a more permanent solution, other than wiping my laptop, that would be much appreciated.