How to detect a broken Prop shield?

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last week I bought a Teensy 3.2 and a Prop shield. I put them together and did some tests, which seemed promising at first:
I connected LEDs to the prop shield (GND, DATA, 5V) and tested them with a NeoPixel example - they worked.
I installed TeensyTransfer and uploaded some files to the flash on the shield - it worked.
I installed a speaker to the analog +/- pins - On the speaker, I heard white noise. I did not hear my audio but I now think, I know why.
I did not test the motion sensors.

After a view days, I tried to upload some files again, but TeensyTransfer showed me "Communication errors" always. "teensytransfer -i" does not show me the serial and size anymore, only
"ID : 00 00 00
Serial: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Size : 0 Bytes"

Now I also tried the motion sensor calibration program - it shows no output on serial monitor.

The NeoPixel example and the Teensy blink program are still working (including outputs on serial monitor), and the speaker still produces white noise, if I activate it.
But I have the feeling, I can't access any functionality of the prop shield.

What can I do to confirm, that the Prop shield isn't working anymore or to detect stupid beginners error...
If you want to test the Flash, try the examples from the SerialFlash library. TeensyTransfer is not good as a test.

There is no general "works/works not. You need to check the different components like you did it.
From examples > I2C run the scanner program, if I2C is working, you should see

Device found at address 0x1E (LSM303D,HMC5883L,FXOS8700,LIS3DSH)
Device found at address 0x20 (MCP23017,MCP23008,FXAS21002)
Device found at address 0x60 (MPL3115,MCP4725,MCP4728,TEA5767,Si5351)

from examples > SerialFlash run the ListFiles sketch, it should list the files you created earlier (SPI is working)
Thanks for the hint.
The scanner reports some Timeouts and "No Devices found" at the end. And Examples > SerialFlash > RawHardwareTest also reports an error. Looks, like I broke some things :(
Is your propshield connected to T3.2 with headers or jumpers? (For SerialFlash, you need to run EraseEverything before running RawHardwareTest)
Could be damaged hardware, or might just be something not connected properly. If it's not directly 1-to-1 mounted to your Teensy, maybe try posting a photo of how the wires are actually connected. Could be as simple as a missing power or ground?
I bought the teensy with header pins already mounted on both sides (but not the 5 pins near the button).
So I simply placed the prop shield 1-to-1 with its pins on these headers, without soldering them. All pins seem to have proper contact and as it worked at first, I don't think, thats a problem.
No, you have to solder them. It was a fortunate coincidence that it once worked.
Or use good (soldered!) sockets ("Female Pin Headers")
As far as I remember, you need at minimum the DAC-Output from the "5 pins near the button" for audio.
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Ok, (stupid beginner) problem found. After soldering everthing works. Fascinating, that last week all worked consitently for a few hours.

Thank you!
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