Teensy 3.5/3.6 upload limit due to flash erase/write cycles

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Well-known member
What is the limit on how many times you can upload a program to the Teensy 3.5/3.6 before wearing out its flash. Very often while troubleshooting, I upload tens if not hundreds of times and am wondering how long it will be before I can "upload no longer" due to bad memory cells.
The data sheet for the 3.6 MCU (http://cache.nxp.com/files/32bit/doc/data_sheet/K66P144M180SF5V2.pdf, page 35) says typical life is 50,000 writes. I recall this is the same as the MK20 used in the 3.2 so my guess is it's the same for all the Freescale parts in that family.

At hundreds of writes per day your Teensy would die in about a year and a half but more realistically you won't maintain that development level. Practically speaking it's not something you need to worry about.
The data sheet for the 3.6 MCU (http://cache.nxp.com/files/32bit/doc/data_sheet/K66P144M180SF5V2.pdf, page 35) says typical life is 50,000 writes. I recall this is the same as the MK20 used in the 3.2 so my guess is it's the same for all the Freescale parts in that family.

At hundreds of writes per day your Teensy would die in about a year and a half but more realistically you won't maintain that development level. Practically speaking it's not something you need to worry about.

That's a lot of writes. I'll stop worrying now...
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