Suggestion for audio GUI with mockup


Well-known member

Hi, i have made a very simple mockup to explain what i have in mind for the editor...
like other project, see Axoloti, Nord Modular g2 editor...
is possible to modify the editor to have a extra connection?
I think to a more simple way for the users to program an axoloti hardware board with pot, button ecc...
As a web developer i try to find the piece of code to add a type in the left column
but, gui apart, is a work for experienced developer i think...

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at first i thought you meant something like you wanted a complete media player with touchscreen and nice little gui.

but now i opened the topic, i know what you're planning to do.

the javascript/html part won't be hard, but to actually be able to do this in the code for the teensy (c++) will be the difficult part.

for example, i have 3 axoloti dsp boards.
i looked a little in their firmware, and they're using chibiOS to be able to do 'multi threaded processing' of the individual modules.

something lots of people won't easily understand (even i am rather new in this area, although my forum name says something different :p ).

if we're able to get this to be done, i'd suggest not doing everything in interrupts, but using a RTOS alongside the main arduino loop (which can be a rtos process after all), why?
to make sure people can easily port their code, as it'll require little to no mods in the main arduino sketches. :)
hi Paul,
i try to understand git-hub

forked your audio lib and add some mod to the index and js file

can you check if i'm in the right way?

generated code
AudioSynthNoiseWhite     noise1;         //xy=463,77
AudioAnalyzeToneDetect   tone1;          //xy=486,183
AudioInputI2S            i2s1;           //xy=729,77
AudioConnection          patchCord1(Tone, 2, tone1, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord2(Volume, 0, noise1, 0);
// GUItool: end automatically generated code

// Hardware setup

int pot2 = A6 // Control tone's amplitude
int pot1 = A5 // Control the noise's volume

for now, import function doesn't work :)
i used the id as the variable's name is right? (or i have to use the name?)
Tone is pot2 and volume is pot1
