Using the Serial Ports within an Audio object

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New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, so I hope this question is in the right category.

For a project I'm currently working with the Teensy 3.2, the Audio Board and a bluetooth module (HC-05).
My goal is to downsample the incoming audio data (44.1kHz/16Bit -> 16Khz/16Bit) and transmit it via Serial1 to the HC-05.
I already created an audio object and the Downsampler is doing his job, but here starts my problem.

Is it possible to transmit the audio data to Serial1 within an audio object?
I was told, that it would not work because of interrupts. If this information is correct, is there another way to transmit
the data to the serial ports? Maybe via public variables?
It should work. The ARM chip has prioritized interrupts, so for higher priority interrupts like Serial1, sending from the audio system's low priority update interrupt is perfectly fine as long as you don't also send from the main program at the same time.
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