Which SPI library to use ?

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Hard to say...

My quick look through that library and I believe that it has not been touched in about 3 years. Also the code looks like it is has not been updated to T3.5/6. Also it looks like it probably only supports SPI0 buss...

Also looks like the main speedup are the changes for doing multiple byte Reads or Writes, and I would guess that my changes to the main SPI.transfer(buffer, count) in Pull Request: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/SPI/pull/23

Would get you about the same speed.

But in all things like this, you might try it and see if you like it.
Thank you

They both seem to work just fine on the 3.2 teensy

Was just porting to 3.6, and noticed the age, wondered what to use .

Ill go with the one built into teensyduino...
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