Teensy 3.2 - programming with Windows / CLI software (no GUI, no Arduino please!)...

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New member
Hello everyone!

I am looking for software that can program (compile C input file and upload it to device) teensyduino based devices... So far I used for that purpose ARDUINO IDE + additions to program teensyduino.

Now I need software for Windows, only CLI (no GUI !), so I can using CMD in Windows type commands to program my devices.

Could you recommend such software (it must be free - for distribution with my own software, and Windows OS based)?.

Thanks for any help!
Hello everyone!

I am looking for software that can program (compile C input file and upload it to device) teensyduino based devices... So far I used for that purpose ARDUINO IDE + additions to program teensyduino.

Now I need software for Windows, only CLI (no GUI !), so I can using CMD in Windows type commands to program my devices.

Could you recommend such software (it must be free - for distribution with my own software, and Windows OS based)?.

Thanks for any help!

Use cmd, a text editor of your choice , Paul's makefile (or build your own) and teensy_loader_cli. It has been done for years.
Check out platformio.org, it's fast, reliable and cross platform. And most importantly, it's super easy to setup.

Hello everyone!

I am looking for software that can program (compile C input file and upload it to device) teensyduino based devices... So far I used for that purpose ARDUINO IDE + additions to program teensyduino.

Now I need software for Windows, only CLI (no GUI !), so I can using CMD in Windows type commands to program my devices.

Could you recommend such software (it must be free - for distribution with my own software, and Windows OS based)?.

Thanks for any help!
I am not sure what it is here you are asking for?

a) You wish to do all of your own development for the Teensy and not use GUI?
b) I wish to distribute an update to locations and want them to be able to update your boards with the update?

Solutions may be very different. Assume b)

You can do your normal Arduino IDE and compile it and test it. Once you are ready to ship out updates, you can use the Arduino command:
Sketch->Export compiled binary.

You can then use the Sketch->Show sketch folder command which will open up browser window and should show a hex file in your sketch folder. You can then ship that file plus teensy_loader_cli and use a command line to program their boards...

If instead you wish to ship source files and have them build it without GUI sort of a)
This implies that they need to setup a complete arduino/teensyduino up on that site. Which probably requires GUI...
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