Teensy 3.2 and ILI9341

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I am trying to interface my teensy 3.2 and ILI9341 touchscreen display,but i am not able to write anything on my LCD. It only shows light but doesn't display anything. I have tried most of the libraries that are available TFTLCD-Library-master, ILI9341_T3 , UTFT and few others.
I am trying to run it on SPI mode , i have also tried 8 bit mode but i was not able to make it run. I have attached my connections.
I have tried the example codes from libraries.

ILI9341 ........ Teensy 3.2

VCC ....... VIN
GND ....... GND
CS ....... 10
RESET ....... NC
D/C ....... 9
MOSI ....... 11
SCK ....... 13
MISO ...... 12


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Usually, wrong/bad connections are the reason. You can be sure, that these displays work with the Teensy, and the libraries are ok.
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Actually I am guessing it is probably the Adafruit one? https://www.adafruit.com/product/1770

First library to try would be the Adafruit_ili9341 library (but would then go to the ili9341_t3 library)

I have had good luck with these before. Currently mostly using the PJRC one. Might try hooking up RESET, I think it has a PU on the Adafruit board, but might try hooking it up to an IO pin and configure the library to use it. I have had some displays that did not work well without a reset.

Also from your pictures, I can not tell from the angle if the pin that is supposed to go to pin 13 is actually plugged int 14? Again it probably just the picture angle...
With most displays, connecting RST to 3.3V is fine. Most displays will not work if RST is left unconnected.

But you certainly can connect it to a digital pin and give the display a reset pulse. The only downside is this consumes one of the digital pins.
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