Prop Shield Compatibility with Teensy 3.0?

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I understand 3.0 might be EOL and hence no mention of it anymore...

Is the Prop Shield pin compatible with Teensy 3.0?

I've got around 10 3.0's left over that I want to use up with the few prop shields I bought for some audio playback, acknowledging I probably will have to use PWM instead of DAC...?
This might work, if you connect the PWM audio output to the prop shield's audio input. It hasn't been tested, but seems reasonable.

The prop shield has a single pole RC lowpass filter around 16 kHz. The PWM frequency is 88.2 kHz, so the filter will at least attenuate the PWM quite a bit, though a pretty substantial amount will remain. Hopefully not too much for the amp chip to deal with...
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