Fastest method of communicating with SSD1322 display?

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New member
Hi there,

I'm putting together a project that will use a 256x64 OLED using an SSD1322 controller, and achieving a smooth display refresh rate (30Hz or better) is of highest importance. I'm prototyping with a Teensy 3.1 but am considering the 3.5 or 3.6 down the line. The SSD1322 has 3- and 4-wire SPI, 6800 parallel, and 8080 parallel interface options, and I'm wondering which one would be the fastest?

I know that theoretically the parallel interfaces should be quicker, but I read the blog posts about the Teensy's hardware SPI capabilities and dedicated FIFOs and saw the impressive videos showing how fast that can be -- so now I'm wondering whether the SPI might be faster, since (in my understanding) the parallel interface would have to be driven in software.

For the record, I'm aiming to use the u8g2 library to handle the graphics.

Any tips? Thanks!
A forum search shows this lib from Sumotoy - I've used his work and one in this family is very fast. It is SPI based - but takes advantage of Teensy tuned SPI. Another of his libs on a 128x128 with same pixel count could easily update faster than needed at 100++ fps.
Hm. I've checked that one out but it doesn't appear to support the SSD1322 -- it just says "in development" and the constructors for that controller aren't in the current version of the library :(

Do you know how to make it work with this model? Any other ideas?
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