Hardware SPI and AD5668

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Trying to hardware SPI that way won't work, if you have a look at the reference card or library instructions you'll see sck is 13, din/MISO is 12 and dout/MOSI is 11. So if you are using the hardware constructor that's not going to work well. Suggest either using software SPI (at least as a test if you've already got the thing wired) or move things around to be on the actual hardware pins.
Sorry i made a mistake on pin out
DIN -> MOSI0(11)
SCLK -> SCK0(13)
SYNCK-> CS0(10)
clr -> pin 8
ldach -> pin 7
vdd -> 3.3
vgg -> grnd

I have tryed software and hardware nothing works.
I think it is some spi timing issue with this chip but don't know for sure
OK i just try to move on then
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