No 64-bit unsigned ints?

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Well-known member
yes there are 64-bit ints, but output...

In my PCA9548A test code, 32-bit counters are wrapping around, so I made them 64 bit. Imagine my astonishment to find that they appear to be the same! Have I fallen into a Monday space-time-bug vortex? Do I have a brain cloud?
Arduino 1.8.2, TD 1.36, Teensy 3.2, 48 MHz Fast.

This won't compile:
  uint64_t uint64_test = 0;
  uint64_test = UINT64_MAX;
It throws the error
PCA9548A_Test:101: error: call of overloaded 'println(uint64_t&)' is ambiguous

Is there a way around that?

printf() compiles, so try this:
/** ---------- UINT64 Test Code ----------**/
/** ---------- REVISIONS ----------

2017May22 bboyes  Do 64-bit unsigned ints exist?

#include <Arduino.h>

/* ========== SETUP ========== */
void setup(void) 
  Serial.begin(115200);     // use max baud rate
  // Teensy3 doesn't reset with Serial Monitor as do Teensy2/++2, or wait for Serial Monitor window
  // Wait here for 10 seconds to see if we will use Serial Monitor, so output is not lost
  while((!Serial) && (millis()<10000));    // wait until serial monitor is open or timeout, which seems to fall through
  Serial.printf("\r\n64-bit Integer Test Code\r\n");

  Serial.printf("Build %s - %s\r\n%s\r\n", __DATE__, __TIME__, __FILE__);

#if defined(__MKL26Z64__)
  Serial.println( "CPU is T_LC");
#elif defined(__MK20DX256__)
  Serial.println( "CPU is T_3.1/3.2");
#elif defined(__MK20DX128__)
  Serial.println( "CPU is T_3.0");
#elif defined(__MK64FX512__)
  Serial.println( "CPU is T_3.5");
#elif defined(__MK66FX1M0__)
  Serial.println( "CPU is T_3.6");
  Serial.print( "F_CPU =");   Serial.println( F_CPU );

/* ========== LOOP ========== */
void loop(void) 

  uint64_t uint64_test = 0;
  uint64_test = UINT64_MAX;
  // Serial.println(uint64_test);
  // uint64_test++;
  // Serial.println(uint64_test);
  Serial.printf("More than 32 bits? %u, 0x%llX\r\n", uint64_test, uint64_test);
  Serial.printf ("UINT32_MAX=0x%X, UINT64_MAX=0x%llX\r\n", UINT32_MAX, UINT64_MAX);
  Serial.printf ("UINT64_MAX=0x%llX, UINT32_MAX=0x%X\r\n", UINT64_MAX, UINT32_MAX);
  Serial.printf ("UINT32_MAX=%u, UINT64_MAX=%u\r\n", UINT32_MAX, UINT64_MAX);


Output is wrong:
64-bit Integer Test Code
Build May 22 2017 - 13:06:47
CPU is T_3.1/3.2
F_CPU =48000000
More than 32 bits? 4294967295, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
UINT32_MAX=4294967295, UINT64_MAX=55

Is there a decimal output for 64-bit ints?
indicates that %u should work for long longs?
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Too late to rename this thread. Is there a way to do that? Or delete it and start over? Sorry about the bad name.
OK, forehead slap for me. This works:
  Serial.printf ("UINT32_MAX=%u, UINT64_MAX=%llu\r\n", UINT32_MAX, UINT64_MAX);
and outputs
UINT32_MAX=4294967295, UINT64_MAX=18446744073709551615

but Serial.print(uint64_t) remains an open question. According to the official Serial.print reference, "any data type" is allowed.
Looks like it is not supported...

Look through Print.h and Print.cpp and a lot of the prints filter down to calling: size_t Print::printNumber(unsigned long n, uint8_t base, uint8_t sign)

So if this is important for you, you may need to roll your own version.
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