FreeRTOS availability?

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I'm relatively new to the world of Teensies. I've seen the huge benefits of using an RTOS on a uc (uCOS on various platforms, -- mostly Netburners, or the really functional TI-RTOS on the MSP430s). Wondering if there is a viable RTOS that plays nice w/ Teensy 3.5/3.6? I've hunted around on the forum for posts on this and I've turned up a few posts from 2012-2014 on FreeRTOS. Most of these speak to partial ports and regularly caution that the multitasking is not preemptive, and that the Arduino libraries are not re-entrant. These issues seem like big liabilities. Nevertheless an RTOS for Teensy would be awesome... Any suggestions?
You've already seen warnings that nearly all libs aren't reentrant or thread safe, so perhaps that ought to temper "would be awesome"...
Ha! Got it, although an RTOS in this environment would still, truly, be awesome, even if not realistically plausible. If I heard you correctly, I should not hold my breath. Correct?
yes follow tommyburgers suggestion
i have 4 threads running on teensy 3.5 in my dual lcd project

before you dive into it, i'd read carefully about how to use mutex locks

what i did instead of putting mutex locks all over my code, i created a function which is a pass through with references to objects that lock it during that stage, but the teensy is very responsive to those threads :)
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