[i2Cdevlib/MPU6050] Is the library correctly installed?

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I have downloaded Paul's fork of jrowberg's i2Cdev library.

I have put the folder in my usual "libraries" folder and removed the "-master" suffix. The library seems to be identified as such, as the MPU6050 examples are listed in a subfolder in the Examples/Examples from libraries drop-down menu.

However if I try to compile the MPU6050_raw example, I have an error message: I2Cdev.h: No such file or directory. A comment included in the sketch states that "I2Cdev and MPU6050 must be installed as libraries". Isn't it the case? What's wrong?
Was the Arduino IDE open when you did the copy down of the library? If so did you restart it after this. The IDE likes to cache information...
I restarted after installation. But I have just figured out that maybe I should remove all the subfolders from this library but the one named "Arduino" (dsPIC30F, EMF32, Jennic, etc)?
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