multiple usb teensy MIDI

It may be possible to set one Teensy as USB type MIDI and the other as type Serial + MIDI. This will provide different Product IDs without modifying usb_desc.h.
Thanks for that idea. Unfortunately I would like to be able to have more than two devices as well.

What kind of changes to usb_desc.h do you suggest I try? Or better still, would it be possible to overwrite the descriptor from my application without disrupting the ability to upload new firmware?
Thanks for that idea. Unfortunately I would like to be able to have more than two devices as well.

That has been a dilemma for me as well. One of the issues is the ownership of Vendor and Product IDs which means it's not a good idea to make up our own. I have begun experimenting with a single MIDI gateway (USB) and an ethernet UDP backbone to connect eight or more additional Teensy 4.1s. Of course that approach won't work for everyone.
Thanks for posting to this thread. I am researching how to build an encoder based MIDI controller with a whopping 48 (or better still) rotary encoders, plus a channel selector. I am thinking that I use multiple boards so the encoders send i2c signals to a master controlled that will read and process all signals, and send MIDI CC via USB. What are your thoughts? Anyone set up a similar approach?