USB not recognized

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Well-known member
I plug my teensy 3.2 in and program, all is well. I repeat programming a few more times, and generally after a few times, I lose connection to the board and replugging in the USB, i get a USB NOT RECOGNIZED.

If i unplug/plug/restart the Arduino IDE, mess with device manager, etc. I can get the connection--but only after a bunch of random stuff.

Im using Windows 7, and Arduno IDE 1.6.12

I've tried all suggestions on the PJRC site, but nothing is working.

Anyone know?

Thanks in advance.

Did your trials involve a simple blink - then upload multiple edits to that to have it blink faster/slower with more/less/different USB printed text?

If that works then the sketch in use is likely the problem trashing memory in some way, and posting it could get it looked at.
10 min ago I could upload the ILI9431 graphicstest sketch and it worked just fine

9 min ago I tried to upload another sketch, it failed to upload
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

been removing code unit I,m at this
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


it will not upload.

Trying another sketch
#define ESerial Serial3

int eData;
char c = ' ';

void setup() {

Serial.println("Arduino is ready");


pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


void loop()

if (ESerial.available())
c =;

if (Serial.available())
c =;



Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
Error while setting serial port parameters: 9,600 N 8 1

Anyone have any idea what's going on?
There are some steps and details here and a simple blink

Insert code in post like this:
Anyone have any idea what's going on?

Nope, not from the info here.

That message means Teensy didn't respond when Arduino asked it to reboot. Many possible problems could cause this.

For testing, your best path on Windows is to completely quit Arduino, but leave Teensy Loader open. Turn off the "Auto" mode button. Then open Windows Device Manager. It's also helpful to configure your Windows machine to make a sound when USB devices disconnect and connect.

After you press the button on your Teensy, it's supposed to appear as a HID device with ID 16C0:0478. When that happens, the Teensy Loader windows should respond, and the Windows Device Manager will refresh, and you'll hear the device connect sound. If you get those, it's a sign your hardware is still working. If you don't, it's a sign something has gone wrong with the hardware.
Oddly, the next day, everything works fine--i made no changes, but my Arduino IDE recognizes the teensy and i can upload programs. My PC will beep when connecting/disconnecting any USB device. Every 5-7 uploads i do need to unplug the USB and reconnect. Since i'm the only one, maybe it's something with my PC.

Just bought another Teensy to add to my collection. Iv'e yet to understand why Arduino users aren't flocking to the Teensy as it's faster, more capable, compatible...

Oddly, the next day, everything works fine--i made no changes, but my Arduino IDE recognizes the teensy and i can upload programs. My PC will beep when connecting/disconnecting any USB device. Every 5-7 uploads i do need to unplug the USB and reconnect. Since i'm the only one, maybe it's something with my PC.

Just bought another Teensy to add to my collection. Iv'e yet to understand why Arduino users aren't flocking to the Teensy as it's faster, more capable, compatible...


maybe you consider also that you PC is not up to the task to handle the Teensy?
seriously, You should consider, what type of other USB devices are attached to PC and could interfere with pC - Teensy communication-.
In my case I often find that I had to disconnect the USB 3 hub in order to be able to program Teensy. If you have PC sound eabled, you will be surprised how slow PC-USB interaction can be.
I'm considering adding a way to report strange problems. At the very least, it would collect the verbose info and the log file written by the reboot & post compile utils. Maybe another option in Teensy Loader's Help menu? Maybe it should send an email? Or just save a file which can be sent or posted here?

These "strange Windows problems" seem so different on every PC. Very hard to know what's going on....
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