Teensy 3.2 bootloader connections

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What are the 2 additional connections to the bootloader on the 3.2 used for (compared to the Teensy LC)? One is also attached to pin 4 on the micro USB but I'm using a Type B connector and I'm having issues getting the board to be detected.
The sense pin shouldn't be doing anything, though best practice has it pulled low I believe. Have you been through the common issues with crystal wiring and Vbat here?


And dumb questions, but these are bootloader chips from PJRC, not blanks? and you have pressed program after connecting to USB to get a first load of USB into the main chip?
Those 2 signals currently aren't used for anything at all.

Future bootloader versions might make use of them, though the one connected to pin 4 on the USB is very unlikely to ever be supported. Six years ago USB OTG seemed far more important than it does today.
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