Ease of programming with "raw" C++?

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I am a moderate (and improving) C++ programmer. I am interested in programming my Teensy board using just C++ and not the Arduino-dialect of it. From what I can tell this is either fairly easy or pretty complex http://kevincuzner.com/2014/04/28/teensy-3-1-bare-metal/

I am just wondering, before I go too far, how much more challenging it is to write C++ than use Arduino, if modern C++ (and the STL) can be used, and how well existing community libraries for Arduino (such as Firmata and ethernet) work.


PJRC is working on using more recent GCC versions; and is working on ethernet stuff for the T3.6.

STL has been in GCC for a many years, but not wonderful to implement in teensyduino libraries. There have been some STL implementations for arduino. The emperor's search engine is all-knowing and all-seeing, and awaits your bidding.

Some later firmata versions address specifics of Teensy boards. My T3.5 has made firmata performance tolerable.
I have successfully used the Eigen library on the teensy and Arduino mega using a port for STL for Arduino. Teensy STD support is already built in and don't need an extra library. Do a quick search of the forum.
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