Need help identifying components on Teensy 3.2 board.

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New member
Hello all!

Unfortunately, while I was soldering headers into the pin holes on one of my Teensy boards, I got some solder onto the resistors (maybe capacitors?) next to pin number 20 (the two yellowish components). Long story short, I was unable to get the solder off without those components coming out of the board as well. And the components are so small that they shot out of my tweezers when I tried to pick them up, and have been lost. I would really love to just buy those two components as opposed to another entire Teensy board. I have looked at the schematic, but it was a little difficult for me to follow (I'm a bit of a noobie to this sort of stuff).

Any help would be extremely appreciated! I love your product! It seems to outshine Arduinos in every aspect.
Thank you so much! I look up problems on these forums daily, and your responses to people have come in extremely handy! I might as well ask, just out of curiosity. A different Teensy 3.2 lost the circuit component just up and to the left of the 0.1 uF capacitors (assuming the button is on the bottom). It appears to be black, and has it's own pin just to the left of it. What is this component and what does it component do? Having lost it, it does not seem to be effecting my particular project.

The component circled in red!
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