Teensy 3.2 Quad Channel Input

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I have two successful dual channel Audio boards running with the standard "Recorder" code provided in the teensy library. I am considering modifying these to the quad channel as show here. https://www.sparkfun.com/news/2055

This will obviously require some manipulation to the Recorder code as Audio code will change as well as extra buffers will need to be added. Can someone assist me in how to get the correct setup code from the Audio System Design tool? Also if someone can suggest how many buffers will be needed with the quad channel setup that would also be helpful.


This is what I currently have in the Design Tool but I have my doubts. There is no need for output, only need to save input data from the four microphones.

you need 4 queues
on Buffers I do not know, but is there not an example in Audio library?
(passthroughQuad used 12 buffers)
Are you sure it would require 4 queues? The Recorder code as is only has 1 queue, and is able to record two channel input.
Are you sure it would require 4 queues? The Recorder code as is only has 1 queue, and is able to record two channel input.

You have 4 channels out of quad, so you want 4 queues to access data.
otherwise, two outputs of quad are not connected
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