teensyduino -> USB Type: Keyboard + serial

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Currently I can select:
- Keyboard
- Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick

I would like only "Serial + Keyboard".
Is this somehow possible? Eventually bypassing teensyduino ide?

Currently I can select:
- Keyboard
- Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick

I would like only "Serial + Keyboard".
Is this somehow possible? Eventually bypassing teensyduino ide?


Yes it is possible, but since you asked, I fear it may be a little bit too demanding.
So stick with the two add ons (Mouse + Joystick) they cost you nothing with respect to performance
If you really wanted to try, have a look into usb_desc.(h/c) and usb_def.(h/c) in cores/teensy3
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Yes, you can create custom combinations, but you need to edit usb_desc.h. See the comments in that file for instructions.
Thanks for info.
I will definitely try it out.
I have tried the keyboard message default example with the 4 types active, as WMXZ suggested, but my laptop's touchpad has not 'button' function anymore.
Probably it is due to mouse or joystick...

And of course I will share my results here ...
Can someone please post an example of how to do this ?

I'm confused over the number of endpoints I need; where the unique number is for each interface (is it 'PRODUCT_ID') ? Is DEVICE_CLASS necessary ?

Also, I'm running on MacOS Catalina and changes I make to usb_desc.h don't show up in the Tools..USB Type menu. (Edit -- it seems I also have to edit boards.txt). If I edit these files, won't they get overwritten the next time I update Teensyduino ? Can I replace usb_desc.h in my project directory ? or the new pieces of it in my .ino file ?

I just want a USB type that has Serial + Keyboard (a simple keyboard; media keys not necessary).

I want my application to work as a USB keyboard in an iPhone, (and also have a serial port, although that's not for the iPhone) but the iPhone seems to complain about the joystick also included in the USB device.
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