RA8875 with Teensy 3.2 - setCursor(x,y) doesn't work when called in a class method

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Hi all,
I want to thank sumotoy for the great library and guidance how to connect and revive the tft screen form Eastrising.

I found one problem when I use class that I wrote to create a tft button. The text will not get positioned where the cursor is set to. if I use simple setCursor(x,y) without the class then the text gets positioned correctly and it works as expected.

Maybe its my class fault, but I cant figure it out. here is my code:
this is my code:
My .ino file:
#include <Wire.h> 
#include "ColorDefinitions.h" 
#include "Button.h" 
RA8875 tft = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET); 
void setup() { 
tft.setRotation(0);//works at any rotation as well 
tButton EngineButton(20, 20, 300, 100, 10, 3, GREEN, WHITE,"ENGINE"); 
void loop() { 

then my Button.h file:
//* Button Class *
//* tft screen button class *

#ifndef BUTTON_H
#define BUTTON_H
#include <SPI.h> //for display communications
#include <RA8875.h>

#define RA8875_CS 10
#define RA8875_RESET 9 //any pin or 255 to disable it!
#define CTP_INT 2 // touch data ready for read from FT5206 touch controller

class tButton

//int m_bNumber;

int m_bX = 0;
int m_bY = 0;
int m_bWidth = 0;
int m_bHeight = 0;
int m_bRadius = 0;
int m_bBorderTickness = 0;
uint16_t m_bColor = 0;
uint16_t m_bBorderColor = 0;
String m_bText = "Button";


//int bNumber,
int bX,
int bY,
int bWidth,
int bHeight,
int bRadius,
int bBorderTickness,
uint16_t bColor,
uint16_t bBorderColor,
String bText

void Draw();
void DrawFrame(uint16_t c);
void DrawFrame();
void Title(String);


then my Button.cpp file:

//* Button Class *
//* tft screen button class *
#include "ColorDefinitions.h"

#include "Button.h"

RA8875 b = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET);
int bX,
int bY,
int bWidth,
int bHeight,
int bRadius,
int bBorderTickness,
uint16_t bColor,
uint16_t bBorderColor,
String bText)
// m_bNumber = bNumber;
m_bX = bX;
m_bY = bY;
m_bWidth = bWidth;
m_bHeight = bHeight;
m_bRadius = bRadius;
m_bBorderTickness = bBorderTickness;
m_bColor = bColor;
m_bBorderColor = bBorderColor;
m_bText = bText;


void tButton::Draw()
b.fillRoundRect(m_bX, m_bY, m_bWidth, m_bHeight, m_bRadius, m_bColor ); //button FILL

void tButton::DrawFrame(uint16_t c)
m_bBorderColor = c;
for (int i = 0; i < m_bBorderTickness; i++ ) {
b.drawRoundRect(m_bX - i, m_bY - i, m_bWidth + i * 2, m_bHeight + i * 2, m_bRadius, m_bBorderColor); //button OUTLINE

void tButton::DrawFrame()
for (int i = 0; i < m_bBorderTickness; i++ ) {
b.drawRoundRect(m_bX - i, m_bY - i, m_bWidth + i * 2, m_bHeight + i * 2, m_bRadius, m_bBorderColor); //button OUTLINE

void tButton::Title(String t){ //will load specific
b.setCursor((m_bX+m_bWidth)/2, (m_bY+m_bHeight)/2, true); //it will not set text location???? why? it always prits the text at 0,0.
//b.setCursor(50, 40); //it will not set text location????

Serial.print ((m_bX+m_bWidth)/2); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print ((m_bY+m_bHeight)/2);

Can you please help me?
just wanted to let everyone know that the problem was in my code.
The problem is that I redefine RA8875 on my button.cpp
RA8875 b = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET);
but I do not initialize that. I had to use only one instance of tft.
So when replaced line
RA8875 b = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET);
in my definition on button.cpp with
extern RA8875 tft;
and I used
tft. instead of b. in my calls all worked as expected
The issue is resolved
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