how to reinstall USB driver?

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During some test loops - changing code, compiling, running with outputs on Serial Monitor - the USB driver seems to be lost. An information window appeared that a USB driver is being installed. But then it reported that the driver could not be found.

Since then the USB link to the PC is dead. The port (usually COM19) does not exist in the list of ports. When plugging and unplugging the USB connector there is no sound as usual when a USB device is connected. The device manager doesn't show any problems.

How can I get back the USB driver?
First, cold reboot your computer. Cold = full power off. Unplug the power cord if you must.

Seriously, if you're not getting any connect sounds (and you normally do), the USB controller or a hub may have crashed in some strange way that only a cold reboot will solve. It's a common problem with Windows.

Plug in a keyboard or mouse to make sure that USB port (and any hub) really is working.

When the USB works, press the button on your Teensy and get it to be recognized by Teensy Loader. This uses only HID protocol, which is always built into Windows. Do this before you go down the path of fiddling with drivers!

Likewise, set Arduino Tools > USB Type to RawHID. In this mode, everything is HID which uses the Windows built in drivers which are always present (same driver for your keyboard & mouse). Get it working this way first.

The situation with serial drivers is very different between Windows 10 and older versions. Which one do you have?
For Windows 7, to reinstall the serial driver, just run the Teensyduino installer again. On the 2nd page you'll see the info about the driver. It will have a non-default location button to update the driver.

However, do all those other steps first. Especially, get things working with HID only. Many people have gone down this "reinstall driver" path when the problem was really something else. It's possible to really mess up a Windows system if you go poking around at too much driver and registry stuff.
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