Teensy 2++ program button repair...

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Howdy Folks

I just found that the Program switch on my Teensy 2++ has breoken off, is there any way to repair it?


I am not sure on the process here or if it's even possible.

You could also just touch a wire or paperclip between the GND and Program pads on the edge of the board. Yeah, that's not very convenient, but how often do you really need to press the button anyway? If you're doing a lot of very low-level programming (and regularly making mistakes that disable USB) where Arduino can't automatically cause Teensy, then maybe this repair makes sense. Otherwise, I'd just leave it alone and use the board as-is. Without a fine tip soldering iron and experience with this type of soldering, there's a strong chance attempting a repair could end up making things even worse.
Thanks Paul, I really appreciate your input and expertise.
I will keep it bread-boarded for now since I am playing with some Neo-Pixels on it and need the reset/program button constanatly.

Any chance you could post a (hopefully small) program which is requiring you to press the button? There may be something simple that could be changed, so it doesn't block the auto-reboot request. But without a complete program to test here on a Teensy++ 2.0 board, there's not much I can do to try to help figure out why the auto-reboot isn't working as it should.
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