Teensy 3.2 analogRead question

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Don Kelly

Well-known member
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but do the analog pins on the Teensy 3.2 read 0 to 3.3V? The reason I ask is that I'm converting over some Arduino Uno code where I read in 0 to 5V using analogRead(0), so I want to make sure I don't fry the Teensy 3.2! If it's 3.3V max, then I'll scale down the voltage from 5V.

P.S. Am using the Teensy 3.2 for real-time drone analysis in a test stand. It's awesome! Runs my real-time code, plus I can stream off telemetry and fly flight profiles without coming close to affecting the real-time loop.

Yes, it's 0 to 3.3V.

The T3.2 analog pins which also have digital can withstand 5V, but anything over 3.3V measures as the same maximum.

The analog only pins (A10-A14) are *not* 5V tolerant. Applying more than 3.3V to those pins can damage the chip.
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