Is there a list of timers (and other peripherals used)?

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I want to use Teensyduino for a project in which I also want access to some of the peripherals directly (for speed or compatibility with non-Teensyduino code).

Is there a list of peripherals used in the Teensyduino library, so I can know what functionality I might disable by accessing a peripheral directly?

For example, which timers are used in which modules? Can I use SysTick or is something already using it? I'm sure that someone, somewhere has collected a table of all the occurrences of the different peripherals—where can I find it? If not, is there at least a list of the sacred "do-not-touch" peripherals?
There is no comprehensive list of the hardware resources used by every library. Such a list would be really nice, but it seems unlikely anyone would undertake the huge effort to make it and keep it updated.

Many of the libraries have pages which document the resources they use. Many of the ported libs use IntervalTimer, which dynamically allocates from the pool of 4 PIT timers, which allows all those libs to work together nicely as long as the total usage doesn't add up to more than the 4 timers.
Thanks. I'm using both Teensy LC and Teensy 3.2 (well, actually an old 3.1) in a project that is intended to be user-extensible, so I was wondering what resources were committed by the Teensyduino environment itself. (The LC chips have a lot fewer resources, so running out becomes more likely.) One of the crucial parts of the project is providing a millisecond tick for checking events, which is why I wondered about SysTick. I decided to use an IntervalTimer, as suggested, despite running rather low on timers on the LC, because of the difficulty of piggybacking onto the current use of the SysTick timer. It might be nice to have an option in the Teensyduino environment to call an extra routine at the end of the SysTick interrupt routine, by setting a function pointer everyMilli.

It would be good to have a table of resources used by each library, but I agree that it would be a lot of work to maintain, given that the libraries are being built by either a very small staff (Paul) or a large group of volunteers with diverse skill levels.
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