Teensy 3.5 + Codec used as a SDR based Ham Radio Transceiver

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New member
Just wanted to share my success in deploying the Teensy 3.5 and Codec board as the heart of a Ham Radio SSB Transceiver. This is not an original work but an implementation of a design from Charlie, ZL2CTM down in New Zealand. Initially I had some problem with a terrible whine noise and a burble sound. This was cured by replacing a defective Codec board, the addition of an audio isolator "gizmo" from PJRC and running the I & Q outputs from the front end through two 600 Ohm to 600 Ohm isolation transformers. The rig is working on receive and has demonstrated the generation of low level SSB transmit signals. I have a blog and more details are shared on the blog. http://n6qw.blogspot.com. Again full credit to ZL2CTM who built the original circuit which I copied and made some additions.

The operating frequency is 7.0 to 7.3 MHz.

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