Arduino 1.8.5 New Teensy 3.2 not showing up on port list anymore

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I have several Teensy 3.2 boards working just fine with 2 of my computers. I need to use a different computer now but I cannot get them to show up on the port list on that computer. I see in several places instructions to first go to Tools/ USB type and change the settings there. I recall doing just that a few months ago when I first used the Teensy. That option is not available on ANY of my computers now that I have updated from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5. I believe something has changed with the Arduino 1.8.5 update that does not allow the USB type to be changed to work with the Teensy. Am I missing something?

More info:
They all show up just fine on the windows port list, just not with the arduino ide.
Teensyduino has been installed.
Programs have already been loaded on these boards and work fine with the first 2 computers. I just need to access the serial monitor.

Might help to know what type of computer? For example if it is a Linux machine, did you install the udev rules?
If WIndows which version? If you are using a USB powered hub try without hub...

What is programmed on these Teensy boards? Does it include Usb type of serial?
Might help to know what type of computer? For example if it is a Linux machine, did you install the udev rules?
If WIndows which version? If you are using a USB powered hub try without hub...

What is programmed on these Teensy boards? Does it include Usb type of serial?

Oops, I meant to say it is Windows 8.1, at least on the computer that is not working for me. Windows 10 on the others, even though I still have the problem of not having the Tools/ USB type. It's a long story but I do have to use Windows 8.1 on this one computer. I am not using a hub.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_MAX31855_A.h>
#include <Adafruit_MAX31855_B.h>

//thermocouple pin definitions
#define MAXDO   12
#define MAXCS1  15
#define MAXCS2  10
#define MAXCLK  13

// initialize the Thermocouple
Adafruit_MAX31855_A AmbientThermocouple(MAXCLK, MAXCS1, MAXDO);
Adafruit_MAX31855_B CoilThermocouple(MAXCLK, MAXCS2, MAXDO);

int buttonState = 0;

void setup() {

// while (!Serial); // wait for Serial on Leonardo/Zero, etc
  Serial.println("MAX31855 test");
  // wait for MAX chip to stabilize
//Pin Modes 
  pinMode(2, INPUT);      //Button input
  pinMode(10, INPUT);     //CS Coil Temp
  pinMode(12, INPUT);     //To SO Both Thermocouples
  pinMode(13, INPUT);     //To SCK Both Thermocouples
  pinMode(15, INPUT);     //CS Ambient Temp
  pinMode(20, OUTPUT);    //Button LED
  digitalWrite(20, HIGH);     //Turns Button LED On when program starts

void loop() {

//Thermocouple Readout

//Ambient Thermocouple

// Serial.print("Ambient TC Internal Temp = ");
//   Serial.print(AmbientThermocouple.readInternal());
   double a = AmbientThermocouple.readCelsius();
   if (isnan(a)) 
      Serial.print("Ambient TC Error!");

//     Serial.print("\t");            //
//     Serial.print("AmbientC = ");   //For Celcius Reading
//     Serial.print(a);               //
//   Serial.print("\t");

   Serial.print("AmbientF = ");
   Serial.print("   ");


//Coil Thermocouple

// Serial.print("Coil TC Internal Temp = ");
//   Serial.print(CoilThermocouple.readInternal());
   double b = CoilThermocouple.readCelsius();
   if (isnan(b)) 
      Serial.print("Coil TC Error!");

//     Serial.print("\t");        //
//     Serial.print("CoilC = ");  //For Celcius Reading
//     Serial.print(b);           //
//   Serial.print("\t");

   Serial.print("CoilF = ");
   Serial.print("   ");

//Serial Monitor Button Status Display

   buttonState = digitalRead(2);
  if (buttonState == HIGH)
//    delay(100);
//    delay(100);
I got it to work finally. I'm not exactly sure how it happened but I was being directed to the wrong download page for teensyduino. Must have been a different version. I kept messing around and one time it took me to a completely different page which caught my attention. Downloaded it from that page and it immediately worked.

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