Recording samples to prop shield flash memory

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I plan to build a 3 channel step sequencer with selectable sounds per channel, where sound might be either a sample or synthesized sound.

Then I couldn't help but think it would be more fun if it would have the ability to record samples with a microphone(via audio board).

Press a record button to mute all other sound and record a sample, probably only allow something like max ~2-3 seconds. Save to flash, then use if user recorded sample is selected for a particular channel.

Since I would like to have the ability to play differed user recorded samples for all three channels I think internal memory even on teensy 3.6 is out of the question was I would like to have audio memory available for an interesting audio graph.
Possibly it might just work with 8-bit samples at half the sample rate.

If I'm not mistaken the flash memory on the prop shield is supposed to perform better for sample play-back than from SD-card?

Is there any examples of recording to flash memory (prop shield in particular) around or do you think it would be easy to adapt SD-card code for the flash memory.
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