Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1 - no upload anymore

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New member
up to yesterday everything was working fine.

Upload to Teensy 3.6 within Atom/Platformio after the message to push the button. (Working on Mac OS X Sierra)

Today I installed Shell commands in platformio to use Netbeans (which I would prefer to work with) instead of Atom.
But suddenly I cannot upload anymore.

Arduino Teensyduino is still working.
(Teensy is seen on USB by Serial Monitor)

platformio run -t upload

Linking .pioenvs/host/firmware.elf
Checking program size
text data bss dec hex filename
283932 0 5868 289800 46c08 .pioenvs/host/firmware.elf
Building .pioenvs/host/firmware.hex
Uploading .pioenvs/host/firmware.hex
Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1
Read ".pioenvs/host/firmware.hex": 283932 bytes, 27.1% usage
Error opening HID Manager
Soft reboot is not implemented for OSX
Waiting for Teensy device...
(hint: press the reset button)

But there is nothing when button is pushed.

Downloaded teensy_loader_cli Version 2.1, compiled it, but it gives me the message:
teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=MK66FX1M0 -r firmware.hex
Unknown MCU type

What else I could do to get it working again?
Thanks in advance!
Just found a solution and now it works even without "press the reset button"!!!

It may be an ugly fix, but who cares, if it works?

Found the solution here in this forum:

Thanks to @formatc1702 for this hack!

So, what I did:
1. Downloaded teensy_loader_cli from Paul: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/teensy_loader_cli
2. edited hack in teensy_loader_cli.c
3. edited makefile:
#OS ?= BSD

# uncomment this to use libusb on Macintosh, instead of Apple's HID manager via IOKit
# this is technically not the "correct" way to support Macs, but it's been reported to
# work.

4. in terminal:
cd to the folder of your files

5. copy the new teensy_loader_cli to .platformio/packages/tool-teensy
(Command + Shift + . helps to make all files and folders visible)

6. in platformio.ini write the usb port of your teensy e.g.: upload_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem3073401

And ready!
PIO Upload compiles and upload the hex without pressing any button anymore

Mac OS X Sierra
Atom 1.221 + Platformio Core 3.5.0rc5
Teensy 3.6
teensy_loader_cli commit f5b6d7a 13. April 2017 Version 2.1
xcrun version 36

and btw:
teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=mk66fx1m0 -w firmware.hex
still gives the error:
Unknown MCU type
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