Data logging

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#include <Encoder.h> // library used to measure encoder counts of handlebars and fork
 #define rearencoderA 0
  #define pedalencoderA 2

 unsigned long duration;
 unsigned long duration1;
 unsigned long freq;
 unsigned long freq1;
 unsigned long rpm;
 unsigned long rpm1;
 unsigned long U;
 unsigned long rear;
 long Handcounts, Forkcounts;
Encoder Handlebars(4,5);
Encoder Fork(6,7);

void setup() {
  pinMode (rearencoderA,INPUT);
  pinMode (pedalencoderA,INPUT);

void loop() {
  Handcounts =;
  Forkcounts =;
// This program calculates the bicycle forward velocity in km/h
    duration = pulseIn(rearencoderA,HIGH,250000); //  Returns the length of the pulse in microseconds when signal output A is high
    freq=1200000/(duration*2); // The period of the is 2 times the duration of the pulse of output A
rpm = (freq*60)/96; // 96 are the line counts of the encoder
U=6.28*0.3355*rpm*60/1000; //
// This program calculates the pedal cadence speed in rpm
duration1 = pulseIn(pedalencoderA, HIGH,250000); //  Returns the length of the pulse in microseconds when signal output A is high
freq1=1200000/(duration1*2); // The period is 2 times the duration of the pulse of output A. 12e6 is set based on speedometer output comparison
rpm1 = (freq1*60)/96; // 96 are the line counts of the encoder
    Serial.print("Handlebar(deg) = ");
    Serial.print(", Fork(deg) = ");
    Serial.print(", Speed(km/h) = ");
    Serial.print(",Pedal(rpm)= ");

I would like to combine both codes and instead of printing the following data (U,rpm1,handlebarangle and forkangle) log the following data to an SD card.

I am a newbie and I do not know how to do it exactly? Can someone please guide me:D

The code below reads absolute encoders and commands two motors:

#include <SPI.h>  // include the SPI library to initiate the clock signal

//pin alocation on teensie 3.6 board

const int ssimu = 10; // slave selection enable is low
const int sshand = 24; 
const int ssfork = 25; 
const int pwrencoders = 26; // making high enable power to encoders
float handlebaranglelast; // check estimation of angular velocity section


void setup() {
  // set the slaveSelectpins and power pin of encoders as outputs:
  pinMode (ssimu, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (sshand, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ssfork, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (pwrencoders, OUTPUT);
  // initialize SPI:
   Serial.begin(500000); // begin serial communication;

void loop() {
  // enable slave device
  digitalWrite(ssimu,HIGH); // setting HIGH slave selection pin to disable IMU
  digitalWrite(sshand,LOW);  // setting LOW slave selection pin to enable handlebar encoder
  digitalWrite(pwrencoders,HIGH); // setting HIGH PA10 pin of external pcb connected to pin 26 of teensie to enable power to my encoders
  digitalWrite(ssfork,HIGH); // setting HIGH slave selection pin to disable fork encoder

  // set clock signal characteristics
  SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(125000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));  // set frequency to 125 Khz-4 Mhz, encoder transmit first the MSB, Clock Idles High Latch on the initial clock edge, sample on the subsequent edge
  uint16_t mybyte; // declaring variable to unsigned 16-bit integer
uint16_t mybyte1; //declaring variable to unsigned 16-bit integer
mybyte= SPI.transfer16(0); // transfering 16 bits to MOSI and reading what comes back to MISO

//From my byte1 you need to mask out 3 bits the first MSB and the two LSB;
  mybyte1 = (mybyte &= 0x7fff)>>2; // First AND bit operator is used bit mask 0111 1111 1111 1111 the 16bit is set to zero. 
//afterwards the bits are shifted two positions to the left. mybyte is now a 14bit with the MSB=0 and the upcoming 13 bit coming from the encoder signal.

 digitalWrite(sshand,HIGH); // disable handlebar encoder
 SPI.endTransaction(); // ending transaction
 delayMicroseconds(20); // delay between 12.5 μs ≤ tm ≤ 20.5 μs for SSI timeout

 //---------------------------------------------------Reading data from fork encoder----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

digitalWrite(ssfork,LOW); // enable fork encoder
uint16_t mybytefork; // declaring variable to unsigned 16-bit integer
mybytefork= SPI.transfer16(0); // transfering 16 bits to MOSI and reading what comes back to MISO
uint16_t mybyte1fork; //declaring variable to unsigned 16-bit integer
 mybyte1fork = (mybytefork &= 0x7fff)>>2; // First AND bit operator is used bit mask 0111 1111 1111 1111 the 16bit is set to zero. 
//afterwards the bits are shifted two positions to the left. mybyte is now a 14bit with the MSB=0 and the upcoming 13 bit coming from the encoder signal.
digitalWrite(ssfork,HIGH); // disable fork encoder
 SPI.endTransaction(); // ending transaction
 delayMicroseconds(20); // delay between 12.5 μs ≤ tm ≤ 20.5 μs for SSI timeout
  // -----------------------------------------------Processing data output of encoders------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Note: The two encoders are mounted oppose to each other for this reason we have different counts directions. 
// More specific, Anticlockwise rotation of handlebar encoder gives 360 deg-> 310 deg whereas, anticlockwise rotation gives 0-55 degrees.
// The rotational direction must be the same for both encoders, the encoders must give an output 0+- 180 degrees. Two if statements are used for these reasons.

float handlebarangle;
handlebarangle=(float)mybyte1*360.0/8191.0; // encoder counts to deg

if (handlebarangle >180) // Anticlockwise rotation of handlebar encoder gives 360 deg-> 310 deg.
handlebarangle = handlebarangle -360; //substracting -360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise.
// ---------------------------------------------Set software limits------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The fork mechanical range is +- 38 degrees since handlebars do bot have a mechanical limit software limits are set below if you do not set this limits the motor foldsback.
if (handlebarangle >38) 
handlebarangle = 38;
if (handlebarangle <-38) // seting angle limit
handlebarangle = -38;
// end of software limits
float forkangle;
forkangle=-(float)mybyte1fork*360.0/8191.0-41; //// encoder counts to deg, substracting 8 deg to align fork with handlebars and - to get minus values from fork encoder
if (forkangle <-180) // Clockwise rotation of fork encoder gives -360 deg-> -310 deg 
forkangle = forkangle+360; //by adding +360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise

 // -----------------------------------------------Fork feedback tracking controller------------------------------------------------------------------------

//declare pin alocation on teensie 3.6 board
const int forkmotordrive = 30; // making High enables fork motor drive
const int pwmforkmotor = 9;
//declare pin as outputs
 pinMode (forkmotordrive, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pwmforkmotor, OUTPUT);
// define variables
float Kp= 0.5;//0.139626 ; // Nick recommends 8 Nm/rad=0.139626 Nm/deg
float Kd=0.010472;// Nick recommends 0.6 Nm/rad=0.010472 Nm/deg
float Tc= 0.0369;// Torque constant  36.9 mNm/A = 0.0369 Nm/A
const int Tdac=1;
float Torque;
signed int Torquedac;

//----------------------------------------Estimation of angular velocity---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float velocity;
velocity=(handlebaranglelast-handlebarangle)/0.000352; // where dt=352 (us)// it is two fast i need to add a counter and a while loop and print at lower frequencies
if (handlebarangle!=handlebaranglelast)
//--------------------------------------------------------------------calculation of Torque fork motor--------------------------------------------------------
 Torquedac=(Torque*1334+32768)+412; // divide with reduction ratio* torque constant to give a command in Amperes
 // Scale torque amp with a constant to obtain a dac number
if (Torquedac>65536) // Clockwise rotation of fork encoder gives -360 deg-> -310 deg
Torquedac=65536; //by adding +360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise
if (Torquedac<-65536) // Clockwise rotation of fork encoder gives -360 deg-> -310 deg 
Torquedac=-65536; //by adding +360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise

// -----------------------------------------------Handlebar feedback tracking controller------------------------------------------------------------------------

//declare pin alocation on teensie 3.6 board
const int handmotordrive = 29; // making high enables handlebar motor drive
const int pwmhandmotor = 8;
//declare pin as outputs
 pinMode (handmotordrive, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pwmhandmotor, OUTPUT);
// define variables
float Kp1= 0.3;//0.139626 ; // Nick recommends 8 Nm/rad=0.139626 Nm/deg
float Kd1=0.010472;// Nick recommends 0.6 Nm/rad=0.010472 Nm/deg
float Tc1= 0.0369;// Torque constant  36.9 mNm/A = 0.0369 Nm/A
const int Tdac1=1;
float Torque1;
signed int Torquedac1;

//--------------------------------------------------------------------calculation of Torque handlebar motor--------------------------------------------------------
 Torquedac1=(Torque1*1334+32768)+412; // divide with reduction ratio* torque constant to give a command in Amperes
 // Scale torque amp with a constant to obtain a dac number
if (Torquedac1>65536) // Clockwise rotation of fork encoder gives -360 deg-> -310 deg
Torquedac1=65536; //by adding +360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise
if (Torquedac1<-65536) // Clockwise rotation of fork encoder gives -360 deg-> -310 deg 
Torquedac1=-65536; //by adding +360 we get 0-180 deg anticlockwise

//-------------------------------------------------------------------- This program calculates the bicycle forward velocity in km/h---------------------------

 // -----------------------------------------------Printing encoder counts&deg handlebar------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Serial.print(",Hand(Counts)= ");
  // Serial.print(mybyte1);
   // Printing encoder counts&deg Fork
//Serial.print(",Fork(Counts)= ");
  // Serial.print(mybyte1fork);
  // Serial.println(); 
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